Recommendation report/ technical description

Description This assignment addresses the following learning objectives: 1.1 Students will learn how descriptions, letters, memos, emails, and reports are used in the workplace. 1.2 Students will identify common features of descriptions, letters, memos, emails, and reports are used in the workplace. 3.1 Students will research solutions to the problem described in their definition paper…

Citing sources

Description Write out verbal citations for these 5 sources/quotations as if you were citing the information in a speech. For each: set up the information/attribute the source (5 pts) How much of the date is needed? Source: are outlet and author both needed? Will you cite the title? paraphrase the quotation (5 pts) So, re-write…


Description This week you will be creating a document that will become part of your project proposal as well as your website. Infographics are designed to present information in a visual format. You will use Canva to create an infographic using information from your definition paper(covid-19) This could be a timeline, statistics, charts, etc. The…

Transmittal memo

Description This assignment addresses the following learning objectives: 1.1 Students will learn how descriptions, letters, memos, emails, and reports are used in the workplace. 1.2 Students will write a transmittal memo to accompany their technical description. 1.2 Students will identify common features of descriptions, letters, memos, emails, and reports are used in the workplace. You…

ENC blog 4

Description Genre: The genre you are writing a progress report. In “real life”, progress reports are written for a variety of reasons: researchers write progress reports to update grant committees on the progress of the research the committees are funding; engineers and/or scientists write progress reports to update their supervisors or the government on the…

memo the exercise

Description As mentioned in this module, in today’s business environment, most communication is done through email rather than memos and letters. However, since memos and letters are still considered more formal than an email, sometimes a business will compose a memo or letter and attach it to an email. The purpose of this exercise is…

Defining the problem

Description This assignment addresses the following learning objectives: 1.2 Students will write a transmittal memo to accompany their technical description. 2.1 Students will research a topic and write a technical definition of a real life problem.A very common type of technical description is the definition paper. Your first formal writing assignment is to create a…