Geology Question

Description Your DRAFT paper should be maximum of 20-25 pages, double-spaced, including figures, tables, and references. Refer to the links provided in Sub-Module 0.D (Writing Resources) and to the grading rubric provided to guide you in completing the FINAL version of your research paper. It is only required that you submit this to me (your…

Family Life Education (FLE) reflection

Description Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to deepen understanding of the ten Family Life Education content areas and explore their connection to duties/activities performed in the field of Family Science. Instructions In this module, you will consider duties/activities in your six chosen careers in relation to NCFR’s Family Life Education (FLE) Content Areas….

Anatomy Question

Description Instructions The goal of this assignment is to help you become familiar with categorizing locus of control (Internal versus External), defining if the individual is being influenced by their perceptions of a powerful other, and analyze if there are motivational or external constraints present in each case study. The format of the assignment will…

Developing Topics

Description Exploration 1: Current Courses (Use course marketing strategy) What readings, lessons, discussions, lectures, etc. have interested you in your courses this semester? Have any changed your perspective? Have you developed any new knowledge that you find especially rewarding or interesting? If you’ve already declared your major, what is it? And why did you choose…

Balancing Security and Privacy

Description Balancing Security and Privacy Ethical Considerations in Data Collection and Use Protecting Individual Privacy Reading Assignment: “Privacy in the Age of Big Data: Recognizing Threats, Defending Your Rights, and Protecting Your Family” by Theresa Payton and Ted Claypoole LinkedIn Learning Assignment: Creating a Culture of Privacy, Kalinda Raina Reading: Kosseff. (2017). Cybersecurity law….

Module 10: Family Science Practices: Cultural Competency

Description First assignment in doc: STEP 1: Following a thorough review of the Cultural Iceberg material in Module 10, post two images: one that represents a dimension of your culture that could be categorized within the tip of the cultural iceberg and another that represents a dimension of your culture that could be categorized within…

Linux Question

Description Instructions: Pick a piece of open source software that interests you (Linux, GIMP, Apache, Jupyter, whatever it might be) and answer the following three questions: Where do you get it and how do you know it is Open Source software? How was the project originally funded and how is it funded today (what is…