Scientist Spotlight: Dr. Yukimaru Sugiyama


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Dr. Yukimaru Sugiyama is a former director of one of the world’s foremost primatology programsLinks to an external site., at Kyoto University in Japan. Since beginning his career in 1958, he has authored 82 publications and trained many graduate students who went on to become researchers and professors. Among his important contributions, Dr. Sugiyama “started the first long-running research site in West Africa, at Bossou, Guinea, where he observed the use of stone tools by wild chimpanzees” (Matsuzawa). Dr. Sugiyama is retired.

Matsuzawa and McGrew, Kinji Imanishi and 60 years of Japanese primatology Download Kinji Imanishi and 60 years of Japanese primatologyOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader. Current Biology, Volume 18, Issue 14, 22 July 2008, Pages R587-R591Links to an external site..

Materials to Review

First, watch the part of this interview with Dr. Sugiyama from 31:28 to 38:39.Links to an external site.

Next, read the highlighted parts of this peer-reviewed article Download peer-reviewed articleOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReaderby Sugiyama et al.

(Links to an external site.)

What to submit

1. Post

Write 250 -350 words in your own words to answer the questions below. Use only the module resources including the materials for review provided above.

Please break it into paragraphs. Provide a timestamp from the video, relevant to one of your answers to the four questions. 1 point each.

  1. What was most interesting or most confusing about Dr. Sugiyama and his work?
  2. What can you learn from these materials about chimpanzee nut-cracking behavior?
  3. What do these materials tell you about the types of people that do science?
  4. What new questions do you have after reviewing these materials?
  • 1/2 point extra credit: Use college-level written English.
    • 1/2 point addition if there are no more than 4 errors in spelling and/or punctuation.
    • Pro tip: write first in your word processing app, use Grammarly, proofread for misspellings that form words (e.g., weather / whether), and then post.

2. Reply

Post a reply of at least 75 words to one classmate’s post, using a “Yes, and . . .”Links to an external site. approach.

  • Use a “yes, and” approach.
    • This is not a critique. It’s entirely positive.
  • YES: Point out one definition, detail or example that they used to develop their answer.
  • AND: Suggest one definition, detail or example that would further develop their answer. It can be one that you said in your own post.
  • If you need to say more to fill up your 75 words, maybe ask them or me a question related to chimpanzees and protoculture.


Explanation & Answer

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