You’ve Got To Do This!


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You’ve Got To Do This!

(Passion Argument)

Your goal in this experience is to induce your audience to want to try your passion by showing them how they would benefit.


Your audience is curious and open to new experiences, but they aren’t going to say yes to something new just because you mentioned its existence. They need convincing.

Facts and figures may be useful, but ultimately this audience is going to respond to how well you target their needs with a strong and persuasive emotional appeal built on your passion.


1. Identify your passion.

What’s the thing you keep saying people need to do? Like, I’ve got these running shoes called Newtons that changed my life because a woman at the shoe store who specializes in matching people to the right running shoe watched me run and said I should try them. I was instantly faster (not fast, but faster), and what had been occasional knee tendinitis disappeared completely.

For a while, I evangelized for Newtons, but then I realized I’d made a mistake, because Newtons are not meant for everyone’s feet and running stride, and started evangelizing for people to go to shoe stores that have experts who can match you with the right shoe.

What are you convinced everyone else must at least try?

2. Consider your passion.

Why are you passionate about your passion? How do you benefit? How is your life enhanced? One way of assessing this is to consider your life before and after your passion. In the early days of digital video recorders, I was a hard-core TiVo evangelist, explaining to people that my existence could be measured in terms of BTiVo versus ATiVo (before and after TiVo). Being able to call up whatever show I wanted and skip through commercials? Old hat now, but incredible in the early 2000s.

Be as concrete and specific about how your passion enhances your life as possible. Don’t even think about your audience yet; concentrate on your own experience.

3. Write your down draft.

This is one of those pieces where there’s no definite model or template you can find and copy. You’ll have to build your own structure as you

go. This means first getting as much material as you can down on the page.

You know it’s an argument, and you’re trying to be persuasive, so you want to muster as many possible bits of persuasion as possible. You’ll sort through them later, keeping and honing the best ones.

4. Figure out what you’ve done.

Now that you’ve unleashed your passion on the page, it’s time to think about how to translate it for your audience. You’ve captured how your passion feels to you. How do you now translate this to your audience? What are their needs? What will they know about your passion? What attitudes do they have regarding your passion?

Who is a good target audience for your passion? Identify them and any relevant traits or attitudes they hold, and write to them directly.

5. Write a complete draft.

Considering what you’ve written and what you’ve discovered about your audience, shape the down draft into a more focused and structured argument that communicates your passion in a way that induces your audience to give it a try.

Explanation & Answer

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