Sales Proposal


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Depending on your specialization (Administrative Management), your company is looking to expand into another country and is trying to persuade a company in that country to do business with your company. You can use the country you selected for your Environmental Scan.

ADMG Specialization: You have a website development company and you are trying to attain a company in another country. Tell them what you have to offer and why they need your services.

Sections to Include

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Background information on your company
  • Services performed and recommended for the specific country and scenario
  • Itemized cost list with totals
  • Closing/benefits
  • APA Reference Page only

Remember, this is a persuasive message! Meaning, you want to focus on the benefits the reader/meeting planner receives. Remember to avoid the use of “I” in this type of writing–focus on the reader and make it a “you” centered message.

Note: You do not need to use APA formatting for this assignment (except for citations). There are three Microsoft Word templates attached.

Note #2: You may make reasonable assumptions for this assignment.

– Professional formatting with headings: Formatting is professional, headings help the reader locate key information.
– Introduction: sets the proposal in context, is useful to the reader.
Background information on company: shows the company’s strengths in a way that speaks to the intended audience’s concerns.
– Services recommended: Recommended services are described clearly, and justified for the country and scenario chosen.

Complete cost list and total: All costs to the potential client/customer are itemized and totaled.
– Closing–benefits are sold to the reader: Closing emphasizes benefits to the potential client/customer, which are clearly described.
– Title page and TOC included.

– Simple Sales Proposal Format: Sales Proposal Format Best Practices | Cirrus Insight

– Sales Proposal Example: Sales Proposal Template with High Close Rate – [Top Rated] (
– How to Write a Business Proposal: How to Write a Business Proposal [Examples + Template] (
– 5 Keys to a Great Sales Proposal: (3) 5 Keys to a Great Sales Proposal That Closes The Deal – YouTube
– Sales Proposal Structure: (3) Sales Proposal Structure – YouTube
– Business Communications For Success (Book file attached)
Chapter 9.3: Business Proposal, pages 270 – 274
Chapter 9.4: Reports, pages 275 – 280
Chapter 9.6: Sales Messages, pages 291 – 293
– Management Communications (Book file attached)
Chapter 10: Sections 1 – 4, pages 3 – 14

Explanation & Answer

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