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1) I think most people can agree that we should censor platforms that are readily available to the entire public such as social media platforms like Facebook or Snapchat. People of all ages can scroll and run across all kinds of content many of which are not willing to see. It would be inappropriate to include criminal activities on a platform that a child could potentially see. On the flip side of this argument, I think that this content should be consumable if wanted. If a teenage boy wants to play a game full of criminal behavior and is aware of the contents and is of age, I think it should be ok. These behaviors cannot be fully censored as I believe it is okay to an extent to see these behaviors as they do occur in the real world, but there should be guidelines. Consumers should be warned of the contents and be allowed to choose if they wish to see this content. Overall, I do not believe standard social media is the place for criminal behaviors to be published.

2) I feel like bullying is not a criminal behavior most of the time and therefore should not always be censored. I think that critical thinking can sometimes be beneficial and it is a very real behavior many normal people encounter. I do think there is a line to be drawn where someone’s well-being is being threatened or it crosses the line of hate speech. I do believe that there could be standards drawn more clearly but this is a great way to start. Overall, bullying is not something that should be censored automatically and in my eyes is more of a by-situation circumstance.

3) I think that the fact that something is simply “offensive” is not enough to ban it, many people believe differently and groups often have polarizing differences. We come across offensive things daily on the internet and learn to deal with them in our own ways which is reflective of normal life. As mentioned in my previous point, I do believe that posts/content that is exceedingly hateful with the intent of hate should be censored in an attempt to suppress rampant hate without cause. People are allowed to express themselves however they deem fit but when others are threatened, an action must occur.

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