Research & Summaries Question


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Upon completion of your PhD in Education: Leadership, Policy and Change, your dream job opens at the U.S. Department of Education. The position states:

“The U.S. Department of Education (ED) is looking for the best and brightest to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout the nation. This position is an equal opportunity specialist in the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in Denver. You will participate on a civil rights compliance and enforcement team” (

You read over the job description and responsibilities and decide to apply. After weeks of waiting you are invited to a formal interview. The organization is primed for change and needs someone who is an advocate for education reform and organizational justice. How will you prepare for this interview?

To prepare for this Assignment, read this Module’s articles and create a clear definition and understanding of organizational justice from a personal and an education leader perspective. Revisit the plan you developed in Module 5 and consider the strategies you included in order to implement sustainable practices and policies that renewed and re-energized the educational process.

Develop a set of notes to use in your interview that address the following:

  • What would you need to know about the job in order to prepare?
  • Your qualifications as an education leader from an ethical perspective, based on the courses you have taken in this PhD program, and specifically this course.
  • Capacity, capability, and sustainability from an organizational justice perspective. Be prepared to answer questions that are directly related to the terms and concepts.

In preparation for your final interview with the Department of Education, you are given the following questions in advance:

  • What is your definition of organizational justice?
  • What examples can you provide from an organizational justice perspective that demonstrate your knowledge of capacity, capability, and sustainability related to education reform?
  • Spiro, J. (2011). Leading change step-by-step: Tactics, tools, and tales. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
    • Step 6, “Engaging the Key Players in Planning—Achieving Collaboration Without Disintegration” (pp. 101–122)Focus on how to consistently reflect on progress and change in order to address social justice in an organization.
  • Schlechty, P. C. (2009). Leading for learning: How to transform schools into learning organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
    • Chapter Twelve, “A Theory of Action” (pp. 265–279)Focus on how to become an effective leader for social justice and change in an educational organization.
  • Wagner, T., Kegan, R., Lahey, L., Lemons, R. W., Garnier, J., Helsing, D., Howell, A., & Rasmusssen, H. T. (2006). Change leadership: A practical guide to transforming our schools. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
    • Chapter 8, “The Ecology of Change” (pp. 133–166)Focus on transformation of organizational justice and social change in reference to capacity, capability, and sustainability.
    • Chapter 9, “Overturning Your Immunities to Change” (pp. 167–191)Focus on individual change and the impact it can have on capacity, capability, and sustainability in an organization.
    • Chapter 10, “Conclusion – Bringing the Outward and Inward Focus Together” (pp. 193–230)Focus on the implications for the “change leader” and how to develop new skills to maintain capacity, capability, and sustainability in an organization.
  • Ozgan, H. (2011). The relationships between organizational justice, confidence, commitment, and evaluating perceptions of conflict management at the context of organizational behavior.Links to an external site. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 11(1), 241-247.
  • Yilmaz, K. (2010). Secondary public school teachers’ perceptions about organizational justice.Links to an external site. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 10(1), 603-616.Focus on perceptions that teachers have of organizational justice and the decisions made by educational leaders.
    • Summarize how you as the equal opportunity specialist in the Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights will apply your passion toward educational reform, organizational justice, and social change.
    • Address what it means to be a leader for sustaining organizational justice in an organization. What is your philosophy of organizational justice?
    • Provide examples and support future goals in education leadership.
  • (Assignment Length: 3–5 pages)

Explanation & Answer

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