Quick Write 2 parts


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Part 1: Let’s expand on external factors to the organization affecting its culture. Please read the article, External Factors,Links to an external site. and answer the two questions posed there on a paper for submission. Please make sure to cite the sources that help you respond either from the class or additional material you find relevant.

  1. How does technology impact culture within an organization? Please select one option and explain why you selected it.
    • Technology does not impact organizational culture
    • Technology is constantly changing to adapt to new advancements
    • Technology is optional in organizations and therefore its impact differs
    • Technology is detrimental to organizational culture
  1. Which of the following is the best way to manage external factors that influence organizational culture? Please select one option and explain why you selected it here as well.
    • Train employees to understand expectations and adapt to changes
    • Monitor changes, prioritize training, and manage relationships
    • By focusing on internal factors that influence external factors
    • Eliminate all external factors

    Part 2: For this discussion, please watch the video describing the 10 biggest corporate scandals and the impact they had on their share prices, then do the following:

    1. Select one company for further analysis. Reflect about the reason why this scandal got your attention.
    2. Review Exhibit 4.2 Macro Forces and Environments found in Principles of Management.Links to an external site.
    3. Please indicate from the company selected if the scandal that got your attention is related to economic forces, technological forces, sociocultural forces, natural disasters, and human-induced problems, or government & political forces.
    4. Explain your reasoning and post it on the discussion board created for the purpose. Share the reason why it impacted you.

    Reply to at least two fellow classmates.Please make sure to support your arguments with a minimum of one source from the class readings.


Explanation & Answer

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