PSY3738CBE Section 02CBE The Psychology of Social Media (11 Weeks)


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Deliverable 5 – Learning to Communicate Globally Through the Platform of Social Media

Assignment Content

  1. Competency

    Integrate the positive and negative effects of social media making global communication easily accessible.

    Student Success Criteria

    View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


    When using social media, the communication barrier of distance is eliminated. This comes with obvious benefits, but it also comes with extra challenges due to the increased potential for misunderstandings with cultural differences and language barriers. The person that knows how to use communication opportunities will have a strong advantage in their work and in their networking and relationships.
    This assignment has two parts to it.
    Part 1:Locate and study social media pages of businesses that are making an effort to market their product globally. You can use any social media platform you choose. Examine what you believe the companies are doing well and what can be improved. Look for ways in which their communication are clear to a large number of people, breaking through language and cultural barriers. Also look for ways in which the pages could be improved due to the limitations and challenges of global communication.
    After you have studied several pages that are seeking to reach a large number of people, choose three of them.1A. Choose the page that you feel does the best job overall.

    • Describe why you feel like this social media page was the best one that you viewed. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

    1B. Choose one that needs improvement.

    • Describe what you see that needs improvement in their effort to reach people globally. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

    1C. Choose one that most closely represents the type of page that you might create in the future. If you have no interest or potential need for ever creating a social media page that is intended to reach the masses globally, then choose one you are interested in and like.

    • Describe why you chose this social media page as the one you can best relate to or like the best. Take a screenshot of the page and upload it with your submission.

    Note: Do not use the same social media page for more than one of these three choices. For example, do not say that one social media page was the best and also the one that you would be most likely to create a similar page as. In other words, do not use one social media page for both 1A and 1C. You need to choose three separate pages in total.
    Part 2:Now you will use what you have learned to create your own social media page with the intent of reaching the masses. You will not need to actually create a page on a social media platform. Creating a fake company or organization online could obviously cause problems. Instead, emulate the formatting of a social media page, and create it so that you can submit it to your instructor.
    Take what you learned from Part 1 to create the best fake social media page you can on an imaginary company or organization of your choice. Your company or organization can be anything you want, just ensure it is class-appropriate. Describe what you learned in this assignment and how you incorporated that knowledge into your social media page. Use a minimum of 2 credible sources.

Explanation & Answer

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