Proposal Brainstorming Activity Discussion Board


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provide 2 feedback for other students

1. Dalen Horace posted

At my previous school, which is Judson University, there was a lack of student activities and clubs which then affected student life on campus. This affected many students who felt as though they were trapped at school and there was really no outlet for experiencing things with other students, and just having a good college experience in general. I believe student leaders, as well as alumni could help in either creating more clubs, or fund more social activities and events for students. I feel as though wealthier alumni could also create a place for students off campus where they can go and hangout. If all else fails, I could reach out to the president of Judson and the leader over student life to help with this. The evidence I would provide would be interviews of current and past students, where I would ask them about their social life at Judson and their overall experience. I could also reach out to them through social media as well. I could also ask current students and past students to do a questionnaire about Judson and what the school can improve on when it comes to student life, which could give statistics as to how the student life is on campus. I’d also try to compare student life at Judson to other schools who have better student life on their campus. Lastly, I would try to appeal to the emotions of the school’s investors and stakeholders by showing them about student life at Judson and how it can improve.

2. Aiden Rathmann posted

I am involved with the DePaul Ultimate Frisbee Club, which has introduced me to a whole new sport and a strong community. However, I see an opportunity to help players get acquainted with the sport more quickly during the fall season. Because many new members of the team have not played the sport before, there is a significant learning curve. Additionally, though our team will scrimmage at the end of each practice, nothing compares to the intensity of competing against another team. Our team travels to tournaments, where we will compete in several games throughout the weekend, about twice or three times every quarter. While tournaments are excellent learning experiences, I believe our team would benefit from more frequent competition, especially in the fall. As such, I’m proposing the creation of a Chicago college fall Ultimate tournament. It would include the four colleges and universities in Chicago that have an Ultimate team (UChicago, UIC, Loyola, and DePaul), and would be played in a round-robin format. To ensure minimal disruption to each team, each game would be hosted by one of the schools during their regularly scheduled weekend practice time. As a round-robin tournament with four teams, the games would only affect three practices out of the entire fall. I believe that such a tournament would help lessen the sport’s learning curve and strengthen the Chicago Ultimate community. To enact this proposal, I would need to approach and work with our team’s captains. I believe that logos would be an effective rhetorical strategy, as this proposal would provide a similar amount of competition as a weekend tournament, yet cost less and require fewer logistics.

3.Nicole Stammers posted

One problem I can see in my workplace is that with a certain kind of cake we make, there are still so many people who don’t know how to frost them because they were never trained. I can barely frost them, and I’ve been working there for 3+ years. It gets tricky when nobody on a shift knows how to do one and a waiting order comes in, we either have to just try our best or see if we can pull someone who can frost them from the back to help us, which is inefficient and wastes time for everyone. We never seem to have time to learn to frost them because we always have to get something else done and there’s never an opportunity. My audience for this proposal would be my managers and the store owners. I could use the fact that we are being inefficient to try and create an initiative to teach everyone how to do these cakes.

4.Yasmeen Babar posted

At my law firm, I noticed that our office was not well-known at all outside of the Polish community (it was a polish-owned law firm). We had absolutely no marketing/advertising, and our website and brochures were extremely dated. Even our voicemails were from easily a decade ago. I think the firm could really have benefited from a general update in regards to marketing/social media, including an update on the website, brochures, and business cards. An introduction of social media accounts such as Instagram and Tiktok would also have been helpful, given how much a viral tiktok video can put a small business on the map. Myself and one other college-aged girl were working part-time there, and I think we both could have run the social media in a manner that kept up with trends. This would, like I said, give the firm more exposure/popularity and bring in more potential clients (and even staff). Tiktoks, for example, could appeal to both a sense of humor and the firm’s knowledge – we could joke about hypothetical clients/cases (much like the Dr. Miami tiktok) or we could tell actual success stories from different clients. It would also be easy to hop on different tiktok trends to help boost exposure.

5.Christian Pecard posted

I currently work in the wine department at a Binny’s, and I’ve observed an issue where some of our store locations have a slower product turnover rate than others. Typically, this pertains to niche or higher-priced product that was distributed to smaller stores in an effort to disperse sought after products throughout the chain, boosting sales. However, there are certain locations that have held specific SKUs for several years without making any sales. I would propose implementing a time limit after which the products should be relocated to higher-traffic locations and replaced with new items. Establishing a system to determine which products should be considered for relocation would provide a clearer assessment of the necessity and feasibility of such moves. Overall, this approach would enable both smaller and larger stores to introduce new offerings to their customers and facilitate the sale of older inventory.

6.Jimmy Nash posted

Last year in my fraternity, a big problem was that a lot of guys did not respect the authority that was at hand and would blatantly mistreat the authority especially the president due to the president not being the best. That’s a big problem in a fraternity if you’re a president because if you have a majority of your audience disrespecting you for some time then it’s very hard to be able to earn their respect once again. The audience that would’ve been able to help solve the problem are the brothers who were disrespecting the authority because since they are the majority, then they have the most voice in elections. Some persuasive strategies that could be used to convince the chosen audience about this could be the liking heuristic. Which means that most people are more persuaded by people they know and like and so using that would be a valid strategy to be able to potentially run for president and change that culture.

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