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As explored in previous weeks, policy and advocacy work can only be realized if it connects with decision makers. Though you may have the best of intentions, if your goals for policy development or reform do not align with the goals of the people who have the power to accept or reject your work, then your proposed changes will likely be left off the agenda.

This does not mean that you have to disregard the essence, or even the content, of your work—you just need to be prepared to communicate it in a way that appeals to the concerns of other, sometimes opposing, viewpoints. Through your communication of the policy work, you want the decision makers to align their motivations to your recommendations in policy making, not the other way around. You can use the policy or advocacy proposal to present your work as a means to connect with decision makers, to open the door for a more detailed dialogue where your advocacy and goals for change can be heard.

 For this Discussion, you will post a video in which you artfully and succinctly present your Social Advocacy Proposal section of your Assignment this week. 

  • Review Chapter 9 of the Jansson text. Focus on “Combative Persuasion in Step 5 and Step 6.” 
  • Develop a list of strategies you can use to persuade others who might not share the same concerns about your issues or your policy proposals.  
  • Look ahead to your Assignment this week. Though you do not need to complete and submit your Assignment before you submit your presentation, the work in your Assignment will help inform your presentation.
  • Develop a list of talking points for defending your Social Advocacy Proposal. Consider the following areas of your proposal: 
    • Identification of the problem 
    • Overview of existing policy 
    • History of existing policy 
    • Policy impacts on populations 
    • Plan for social advocacy or goals for change 
  • Consider the audience for your Social Advocacy Proposal.  
    • Through which group or legislative process did the original policy receive approval? 
    • How has the group or process changed since the original policy was approved? 
  • Watch the video in the Required Media this week. Use this video to inform your own strategies for presenting to your audience.
  • Record and post a 3- to 5-minute Kaltura video in which you communicate the needs of vulnerable populations to policy makers who may not share your views about the need for services. Include:
    • Hook: Introduce yourself using professional disclosure. How do any personal facts about you or your audience relate to the policy and impact? This can help grab your audience’s attention.
    • Describe the Problem: Present the problem and issues with the current policy that attempts to address the problem. Explain the impact on specific populations. You might even recount a specific story of someone adversely impacted by the problem and explain how the policy as it exists does not help them.
    • Call to Action: Inspire your audience to support your goals for change. Why should they care?

    Then, in writing, address the following:

    • Which strategies did you use to communicate the problem and needs of the population to your audience? 
    • Why did you select the specific strategies over others? Was your selection informed by the details of your audience? Explain. 
    • How did you use the following format to present your goals for change? 
      • Hook 
      • Describe the Problem 
      • Call to Action 

    There is no required response post for this Discussion; however, it is highly recommended that you review each other’s posts to learn from your respective approaches to advocacy.

Explanation & Answer

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