Personal Professional Philosophy


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Suggested Format/Headings for Assignment #1:
(Please use the APA 7 Template provided for you on BlackBoard for all assignment submissions)
CUC Honor Code Page
Title Page
Abstract (not indented, 250 words or less, Keywords)
Introductory Paragraph (Title of your paper repeated, centered, bolded)
Headings will be each of the following (11) items listed below
Reflection/Summary (Reflection on the entire process of writing your leadership platform)
Address each of these topics in your paper:
1. Aims of Education.
Among other things, a vision statement articulates and beliefs about the aims of education. These
aims need to be stated in specific terms, not abstract concepts. They should relate specifically to
the education of the students in your specific school.
2. Image of the Learner.
This aspect of the vision focuses on the attitudes and assumptions about how one best teaches and
learns. Are all students taught in the same way?Are students viewed as active or passive
participants in the learning process? Is the focus more on a group of students or on individualized
3. Image of the Teacher.
EDL 6120 F2F Syllabus
Supervision and Improvement of Instruction
2.20.22 MZ Pg. 5
What is your vision of an effective teacher? Helper? Friend? Social engineer? Stimulator?
Commander? How does the administration view teachers? Are they mere employees? A team
of professionals? Isolated and independent professionals with sole control over their classrooms?
4. Value of the Curriculum.
What kind of learning is valued in the school? Is all learning viewed as intrinsically valuable?
Do mathematics and science reign supreme over the humanities? What about the informal
curriculum? What about the relative importance of practical versus theoretical subjects?
5. Teacher-Student Relationships. Is the emphasis on caring relationships or subject matter
content? To what extent are the needs of the whole child catered to? Is the emphasis on
group or individual development? Do teachers and administrative staff reflect on their
relationships with students? Do teachers identify with the values which are espoused in your
stated aims of education?
6. School Climate.
Is the school climate relaxed, open, and informal? Or, does it tend to be more strict, closed, and
formal? Is the organization of the school flexible and spontaneous or more orderly, structured,
and predictable?
7. Social Significance of the Students’ Learning.
What is the main emphasis? Students’ learning skills which are immediately useful for work?
Learning for the sake of learning? Good citizenship? Learning about the cultural heritage of one’s
8. Relationship of Parents and Community to the School.
What is the perceived role of parents in the education of children? What about the culture, values,
and traditions of the community in which the school is embedded?
9. The Goal of Evaluation.
Why do administrators observe and evaluate staff members? Why do we design, plan, and
implement staff development programs? Mentoring programs? Remediation plans? What is to
be gained from such programs? What do staff gain from evaluation and staff development? What
do students gain?
10. The Goal of Supervision.
Is supervision a top-down process, or is it collegial? Is there a specific model being followed? Is
there a composite of models being implemented? Does the purpose or goal of supervision impact
the process? How is the school impacted by the supervision of staff?
11. Personal Reflection on the Concordia Conceptual Framework of Course.
Where do you stand in terms of developing integrity, competence, and servant leadership? What
personal goals do you have in relation to integrity, competence, and servant leadership?

Please write this in the first person point of view.

Explanation & Answer

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