outline writing


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part2 this assignment is different in a whole other document its about my research in health care

Write your thesis at the top of the page. Of course, you’ll revise it as you work on your paper, but it’s important to know what you’re going to say in your paper.

This outline should include your thesis and main points (if this has changed since the last assignment, that’s ok! This is a work in progress). Think about these main points as English 101 length papers (if you have three main sections in a 12-15 page paper– not including the intro or conclusion, each section will be about four pages long. If you have four main points, then each section will be about three pages long).

Each section should be sub-divided into three or four sections as well. Think of this level as the outline for each section.


Thesis: Dogs make excellent companions in a time of crisis.

I. They help us stay mentally healthy

a. Taking care of others promotes mental health

b. Talking with someone (even a pet) promotes mental health

c. Physical affection promotes mental health

II. They help us stay physically healthy

a. require exercise

b. make us aware of our own diet

c. physical affection promotes physical health

III. They protect us

a. our homes

b. people with pets are less likely to self-harm (I’m making this up– this is not an actual research project, you know!)


After the outline, please include FIVE pieces of evidence (evidence is anything from a source that supports your point). Generally, put the author’s last name and the quote (in quotation marks) or paraphrase (not in quotation marks). Note where the evidence will go in the paper. (I Mental Health b. Talking with someone “Evidence” ).


A lot of people claim to hate outlines, but a good outline can save you a LOT of time and misery. It’s a road map to your paper. If you don’t use a map, you could end up wandering around, repeating yourself, driving in circles, and ending up nowhere. Spend some time and make a plan. You can do it!

Once you have your outline created, keep working with your sources. I suggest going through all of your notes and seeing which pieces of evidence work together with your outline. You might see some things you’ve missed. If they’re important, rework your outline (you’ll do this a lot, no need to resubmit). You don’t want to write your paper with your sources open in front of you–people make lots of mistakes that way. Own your own paper. Know your sources. Trust your process. You can do it

!EXAMPLE OF WHAT I PICKED FOR MY RESEARCH PROPOSAL you have to find a documentary film in the same category and write it in a pdf RESEARCH PROPOSAL Topic: The Role of Nursing in Healthcare Innovation

Research Question: What obstacles do nurses in this role confront, and how do they contribute to medical innovation?
I’m drawn to this topic due to its alignment with Ben Gran’s TED talk, ‘Why Nurses Are Key to Medical Innovation.’ The talk emphasized the profound influence nurses wield in healthcare innovation. I aim to dive deeper into this concept, as it resonates with my career aspiration of becoming a healthcare professional.

Explanation & Answer

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