Nutrition Question


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Consider the places and spaces where you acquire food, prepare food, talk about food, or generally gather some sort of meaning from food. This is your foodscape. Think of the foods you eat every day. They are part of your foodscape too.

This assignment is a written and visual interpretation of a foodscape that is meaningful to you. It is a chance to apply multiple concepts you learned in the course from the readings and lectures we’ve covered so far. While you can apply concepts from the King Corn in this assignment, it is more important to apply what you learned in the readings and lectures.


Start by taking a photo of some aspect of your foodscape that you want to write about. This can be the exterior of a restaurant/outdoor dining area, grocery store aisle, your home kitchen or eating area, or an actual food item or dish that you come across in your day-to-day life. You can be creative here, if you’d like.

Paste the photo in a text document (or use a url if you can’t paste it) and then write a 1,000-1,300- word essay (not including the bibliography) to accompany the image.

The essay should:

  1. Apply ideas / concepts that you’ve learned so far in the course. The more concepts you can connect to your foodscape, the higher your grade on this assignment. Do your best to apply a sociological interpretation of your foodscape and be specific here. Dive into some of these ideas to show how you’re applying them and what you’ve learned. How do you look at your foodscape now that you are applying a sociological ‘lense’? Note: I’m reading this to see if you can apply what you learned, or whether you’ve been skimming the readings and lectures and have only a basic understanding of course content.
  2. Use in-text citations. Follow standard academic conventions. For in-text citations, I prefer the APA format. Do not format your whole essay according to the APA style.
  3. Include a bibliography to cite course readings or other references. You should cite readings from the class. You can (but are not required) also incorporate additional sources of information but you must cite these sources. My preferred bibliographic style for your reference list and in-text citations is APA, but you can choose any style as long as you’re consistent.

Organization and Formatting

  • Paste the photo in a document and have the essay appear below it.
  • Organize sections of the essay in a way that makes sense to the reader, keeping in mind the flow and logic of the essay.
  • Aim to write 1000-1300 words (not including the bibliography). If you write fewer than 900 words, you will lose points. If you write 1000 words of “filler” (that is, descriptive text that doesn’t get at the requirements of the assignment) you’ll lose points. Try not to go over 1400 words.
  • Ensure the photo is clear and is included within the presentation near the top of the page.
  • Use 12-point font and 1-inch margins and double-space, but if you have difficulty formatting it this way using Canvas, it’s okay. You won’t lose points.
  • Use .doc/.docx, rtf or .pdf file format.
  • Grading RubricA: The submission has a photo of the foodscape, a description of the foodscape and a full, coherent analysis using multiple concepts from the class. The writing is clear, and the document adheres to the formatting guidelines. The assignment is submitted on time.
  • this assignment needs to be done be 11pm EST
Explanation & Answer

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