music discussion


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Essay Quiz Preparation

  1. You should have already completed the Beethoven Symphony No. 5 chapter in Pearson.
  2. Listen to this podcast, Switched on Pop-the 5th Movement 1Links to an external site.. It is about 30 minutes, and worth it!
  3. Watch this video of Beethoven Symphony no. 5. Only the first movement only is required – you can stop after seven minutes.

Beethoven: 5. Sinfonie ∙ hr-Sinfonieorchester ∙ Andrés Orozco-Estrada. (2016, March 14). [Video]. YouTube.

Short Essay Questions

1. From the podcast and your reading, you learned that Beethoven was a revolutionary who bridged the Classical Era and 19th Century (Romantic) musical periods. CHOOSE ONE of the following elements – Dynamics, Timbre, or Form – and use an example from the first movement of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony to illustrate why it was revolutionary and more “Romantic” than “Classical”. (250 word minimum/25 points)

2. Choose something specific from the podcast and describe it in some detail. Why did it stand out to you? (8 sentence minimum/15)

  • To get full credit, you must provide the time in the podcast where your chosen moment occurred. You can simply put the general time before your answer.

3. How did the podcast impact your experience when you watched the YouTube performance video? (5 sentence minimum/10 points)

    • To get full credit, you must mention a specific topic from the podcast which impacted your experience viewing the Beethoven performance.

For this short essay test I am asking that you base your answers on the materials provided. I am looking for YOUR educated opinion on the topic. What you think is far more interesting than what a search engine or Artificial Intelligence bot “thinks”!

The following criteria will be used in grading:

  • Answer was thoughtful and contained enough detail to show the author had reviewed the required materials prior to answering the question.
  • Answer contained SPECIFIC reference to the podcast when required.
  • The submission met the length requirement and utilized proper grammar, complete sentences, and appropriate capitalization and punctuation.
  • Remember to proofread your writing!
Explanation & Answer

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