Manager Interview


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Manager Interview

For this Assignment, you are to interview a working manager and write a review of the interview and what you learned. Select someone who has been in a management role where they directly supervise people, (or if retired, was in a management role) who will be willing to talk to you about their experience.

The purpose of the interview is to see how what you are learning in class is used by a working manager. Your goal is to learn more about what it is like to be a manager, which means getting things accomplished through the work of others rather than doing it yourself. This assignment will provide a firsthand picture of the role of a manager and the skills required to perform that job successfully.

Guidelines for the assignment:

  • Identify 2-4 concepts you would like to talk to the manager about.
  • Identify 3-5 questions you would like to ask to get their take on how these concepts are put into practice in their job.

Your paper should have:

  • A short bio of the Manager. Include their name, position, years as a manager, and type of organization. You can get this from Linked-in or ask them if they have a bio.
  • The questions that you asked.
  • A summary of the responses, and provide quotes to illustrate responses.
  • A personal summary of what you have learned from the interviews.

Possible Questions

Below are possible questions. Choose the ones that will help you meet the purpose of the interview. Feel free to create your own questions. These are typical manager interview questions.

1. How long have you been in management?

2. Please describe a typical day at work. What do you do all day?

3. How did you learn what you needed to know about being a manager?

4. What are the most critical problems you face as a manager?

5. What are the most critical skills needed to be a successful manager in your line of work?

6. What are the major reasons managers fail in positions like yours?

7. How would you describe your management style?

8. What is your management/leadership philosophy?

9. What are the most satisfying aspects of being a manager?

10. In your experience, what are the most difficult aspects of being a manager?

11. What was the biggest change you had to make when you first became a manager? What new skills did you need to learn?

12. What are some typical problems with which you must deal?

13. What are the most important elements of your job as a manager?

14. How do you motivate employees?

15. What ethical issues do you encounter?

16. How do you manage the stress of your job?

17. How do you stay current and on top of what you need to know and do as a manager?

18. What are the outstanding skills or abilities of other effective managers you have known?

19. If you had to train someone to replace you in your current job, what key abilities would you focus on?

20. If you were to give me advice on how to prepare for management, what would that advice be?

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————Please follow the instructions above and make sure the interview is solid with a good manager. Good creative questions and answers will probably earn a higher grade.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Explanation & Answer

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