LIRN .Legal And Legislative Issues In Nursing


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Legal And Legislative Issues In Nursing

Nursing is a very critical profession, and both state and national governments have made comprehensive legislation to govern the practices and issues that arise in nursing. Nursing professionals must adhere to these laws and statutes since any violation can lead to serious consequences, including withdrawal of working licenses, conclusion of employment contracts, and answering court cases. A nurse in practice may ace the law if they engage in malpractices to harm the patient, the institution, or both, engage in defamation practices, uncover patients’ confidentiality and patient assault, and fail to observe mandatory reporting.

Nurses are expected to engage in ethical and legal only and report any instances of malpractice that they might notice during their daily activities. Nursing is a regarded calling by a greater part of society, taking into account the constructive outcomes it gets in terms of the prosperity of society. Nurses have been provided the ability to seek after general well-being; however, legitimate liabilities go with this. Taking part in mischievous activities is an abuse of essential freedoms where the expert is limiting value to specific patients (Griffith & Tengnah, 2023). Negligence can occur in numerous ways, including taking cash and different gifts for individual addition and leaning toward certain patients at the expense of others. Participating in such exercises conflicts with mankind and brings down human respect, which is against the expert set of rules. Medical attendants who take part in such ways of behaving face disciplinary activities and legal procedures relying upon the power of the cases (Griffith & Tengnah, 2023).

Additionally, patient information confidentiality is another important issue in the nursing profession (Tønnessen et al., 2020). Nurses engage and interact with patients’ health information, and therefore, they have to protect this information from leaking to third parties without the consent of the patient. In modern society, medical information is stored in technology-based platforms such as the cloud and other software. It is illegal to take a copy of this information to keep or to share without permission from the patient. Hospitals and healthcare facilities must employ cloud security to prevent incidences of cyber breaks (Tønnessen et al., 2020). Moreover, medical caretakers ought to likewise know about the little issues that include legitimate issues of their calling, like snapping a picture with a patient and posting it via virtual entertainment without the assent of the patient. This could seem to be a small issue; however, it is not acceptable in the calling, and there are disciplinary and lawful moves made against the people who act in logical inconsistency.

Nurses should handle patients with respect and should not assault them in any manner. Despite the fact that nurses have professional knowledge and skills to attend to patients, their attention should be by consent (Buppert, 2020). In case the patient is not in a position to give consent, their relatives are in a position to do so. Moreover, nurses have a duty to mandatory reporting in case they notice that the rights of a patient are being limited. The patient should receive full care when the nurses are in charge.

In conclusion, the nursing profession has earned much respect due to the codes of ethics and laws that govern the conduct of nurses. They should observe confidentiality and mandatory reporting and be free from defamation, assault, and malpractice incidents.

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