IT591-2: Assess cyber security industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws.


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Unit 2 Assignment: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: A Deep Dive

Outcomes addressed in this activity:

Unit Outcomes:

  • Define cyber security standards and regulations in several industries.
  • Discuss the historical evolution of cyber security standards and regulations in several industries.
  • Analyze the compliance criteria for several industry cyber security standards and regulations.

Course Outcome:

IT591-2: Assess cyber security industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws.


Regulatory standards are complex. Doing a deep dive into one of those standards, Sarbanes-Oxley will allow the student to learn how to read a standard thoroughly and what elements of the standard are important, as well as how to locate those elements within the written standard. Students are also given the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of a standard, providing supporting examples.

Assignment Instructions

Use the materials from your reading, particularly the material specific to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Research the Internet to provide the required responses.

Consider the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Provide an in-depth discussion and analysis of this act that includes:

  1. Explain the events that led to this legislation (provide two examples).
  2. Explain the goals that the legislation seeks to achieve.
  3. Provide an overview of IT’s role in achieving compliance.
  4. Explain how audits and assessments help achieve or measure compliance.
  5. Elaborate on the consequences of non-compliance for companies to which this legislation applies (provide at least 2 examples).
  6. Do you feel that this act is achieving the goal that the legislators sought to accomplish? Why or why not? (Provide examples to support your opinion)
  7. What do you perceive as an organization’s biggest challenge in complying with Sarbanes-Oxley?
  8. Conclusion

Assignment Requirements

  • 4–5 pages of content (exclusive of cover sheet and references page), using Times New Roman font style, 12 point, double-spaced, using correct APA formatting, and include a cover sheet, table of contents, abstract, and reference page(s)
  • At least 1 credible source cited and referenced
  • No more than 1 table or figure
  • No spelling errors
  • No grammar errors
  • No APA errors

For more information on APA formatting and citation style, refer to the resources in the Academic Tools area of this course. Also review the university policy on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Name your assignment document according to this convention: YourLastName_IT591_Unit2. Submit your completed assignment to the Unit 2 Dropbox by the deadline.

Review the rubric before beginning this activity.

Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox

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Rubric Name: IT591 Unit 2 Assignment Rubric

Criterion 1 Level III Max Points

30 points

Level II Max Points

25.5 points

Level I Max Points

21 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

Sarbanes Oxley (SOX)

Meets all criteria:

  • Explains the events that led to the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and provides two examples.
  • Explains the goals that the legislation seeks to achieve.
  • Explains how audits and assessments help achieve compliance.

Meets two criteria:

  • Explains the events that led to the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and provides two examples.
  • Explains the goals that the legislation seeks to achieve.
  • Explains how audits and assessments help achieve compliance.

Meets one criterion:

  • Explains the events that led to the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and provides two examples.
  • Explains the goals that the legislation seeks to achieve.
  • Explains how audits and assessments help achieve compliance.

Does not meet any criteria.

Score of Sarbanes Oxley (SOX),

/ 30

Criterion 2 Level III Max Points

35 points

Level II Max Points

29.75 points

Level I Max Points

24.5 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

Analysis of SOX compliance

Meets all criteria:

  • Explains IT’s role in SOX compliance.
  • Elaborates on the consequences of non-compliance and provides two examples.
  • Analyzes whether SOX is achieving its intended goals.
  • Discusses an organization’s biggest challenge to complying with SOX.

Meets three criteria:

  • Explains IT’s role in SOX compliance.
  • Elaborates on the consequences of non-compliance and provides two examples.
  • Analyzes whether SOX is achieving its intended goals.
  • Discusses an organization’s biggest challenge to complying with SOX.

Meets two criteria:

  • Explains IT’s role in SOX compliance.
  • Elaborates on the consequences of non-compliance and provides two examples.
  • Analyzes whether SOX is achieving its intended goals.
  • Discusses an organization’s biggest challenge to complying with SOX.

Does not meet any criteria.

Score of Analysis of SOX compliance,

/ 35

Criterion 3 Level III Max Points

10 points

Level II Max Points

8.5 points

Level I Max Points

7 points

Not Present

0 points

Criterion Score

APA Style and Writing Conventions

Meets all criteria:

  • Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors.
  • Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors.
  • Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources.

Meets two criteria:

  • Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors.
  • Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors.
  • Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources.

Meets one criterion:

  • Applies current APA style to in-text citations and references, and document formatting if appropriate, with minor to no errors.
  • Writing is focused, concise, and organized and articulates at a college level, with minor to no errors.
  • Uses resources from reliable and/or scholarly sources.

Does not meet any criteria.

Score of APA Style and Writing Conventions,

/ 10

TotalScore of IT591 Unit 2 Assignment Rubric,

/ 75

Overall Score

Level III

63.76 points minimum

Level II

52.51 points minimum

Level I

1 point minimum

Not Present

0 points minimum

Rubric Name: IT591_2208E_-2

Criteria Mastery

5 points


4 points


3 points


2 points


1 point

No Progress

0 points

Criterion Score

IT591_2208E_-2: Assess cybersecurity industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws.

Student work indicates the ability to assess cybersecurity industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete all of the assignment.

Student work indicates the ability to assess cybersecurity industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete most of the assignment.

Student work indicates the ability to assess cybersecurity industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete more than half of the assignment.

Student work indicates some ability to assess cybersecurity industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete some but less than half of the assignment.

Student work indicates little ability to assess cybersecurity industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws.

Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.

Score of IT591_2208E_-2: Assess cybersecurity industry standards, compliance, regulations, and laws.,

/ 5

TotalScore of IT591_2208E_-2,

/ 5

Overall Score

5: Mastery

4.5 points minimum

4: Proficient

3.5 points minimum

3: Practiced

2.5 points minimum

2: Emergent

1.5 points minimum

1: Introductory

0.5 points minimum

0: No Progress

0 points minimum

Learning Outcome IT591_2208E_-2

Submit Assignment

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