Informative Speech Purpose Statement


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Informative Speech Description


  • You will deliver 4 to 6 min speech speech to a live audience informing them about topic of your choice.
  • To do this you will create a purpose statement, complete a library research assignment, write a full sentence outline that includes 3 or more sources, create a set of 5 -7 presentation slides, give your speech with limited notes integrating the presentation slides and orally citing 3 or more sources, and write a reflection paper after watching your recorded speech.

Assignments Descriptions

Speech Purpose Statement: Write a complete purpose statement sentence as well as one paragraph explaining why you selected this topic.

Informative Speech Full Sentence Outline: Write and submit a full sentence outline using the speech outline structure. The outline will also include 3 of more different cited sources within the body portion of the speech outline, and as an APA or MLA bibliography at end of outline.

Library Research Assignment: You will locate 5 different sources related to your informative speech topic. You will orally cite evidence from 3 or more of the 5 sources for this project in your speech. This assignment has a specific format located below.

Informative Speech Presentation Slides: Create a 5 to 7 slide presentation using PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, or or Google Slides. You do not need a title slide or a works site slide.

Present Informative Speech: Give speech with speaking time of 4 to 6 minutes, incorporated your presentation slides, and during which you orally cite 3 or more different sources.

Speech Reflection: After watching your recorded speech, write a 2 or more page, double spaced with 12 point font page, evaluation of your speech using full-sentences responding to the following. Be specific and concrete in your thoughts.

  • Describe specifically how you practiced physically giving the speech prior to recording it. Consider including if you practiced in front of others or by yourself, and if/how you got feedback.
  • Describe two speaking concepts from the textbook or speech rubric that you did well during you speech, and describe how/where you demonstrated theses strengths during your speech.
  • Describe two speaking concepts from the textbook or speech rubric that you could strengthen after having watched tour speech, and describe how/where these growth areas appeared during your speech.
Explanation & Answer

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