Humanities Question


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Goals of Assignment 3: Independently, you will examine how organizations in the real world solve ethical problems related to distributive justice through a Complex (Social) #SystemAnalysis. Your goal is to apply #EthicalConsiderations and #EthicalJudgment to your chosen organization’s decisions and activities.

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Select the Organization

Select a UAE-based organization focused on a distributive justice issue. This means that your organization should focus on a social justice issue (e.g., access to education, clean water, and health services). You may select a (1) volunteer organization, (2) a non-profit organization, OR (3) a public-service organization in the UAE whose work focuses on some distributive justice topic.

Some examples include but are not limited to, are:

  • Emirates Down Syndrome Association (EDSA)
    • A non-profit organization based in the UAE that supports and empowers individuals with Down Syndrome and their families.
  • Dubai Cares
    • A non-profit organization that works to improve access to quality education in developing countries. Their work includes building schools, providing teacher training, and supporting innovative education programs that promote equity and social justice.
  • Emirates Foundation
    • A non-profit organization that works to empower youth and promote social entrepreneurship in the UAE
  • Gulf for Good
    • A charity organization that organizes adventure challenges and expeditions to raise funds for various social causes.
  • Thrift for Good
    • A thrift shop that aims to reduce clothing waste and help children, in partnership with Gulf for Good.
  • Senses Residential and Day Care for Special Needs
    • The first residential care facility in the Middle East that provides people of determination 24/7 care.

Step 2: Organization Overview

Once you have selected your organization, introduce it and apply #SystemAnalysis to describe the organization and its operations clearly. Identify the distributive justice issue the organization aims to address with a precise application of #Purpose. In relation to its #Purpose, explain how the organization addresses an issue and its decisions and actions. You may consider using media sources, which must be cited, to provide an example of the organization’s activities.

Step 3: Assessment of Frameworks #EthicalConsiderations

Using your classroom materials, identify the #EthicalConsiderations by understanding the actions of your selected organization through at least two ethical frameworks. You must select ethical frameworks covered in this course to understand your selected social justice issue.

Identify the ethical dilemma that your organization is concerned with. Interpret the issue through the different ethical frameworks. If your organization is clearly using an ethical framework, clearly state and explain that. Then, compare it to another framework. If it is unclear which framework the organization is using, present the issue through the two or more ethical frameworks you see suitable. As you consider each ethical framework, use your knowledge of #SystemAnalysis to help you identify ethical conflicts, effects, tensions, and implications that may arise when addressing the social justice issue.

Step 4: Stance and Defense #EthicalJudgment

After considering the different frameworks, decide which ethical framework should be followed by weighing the relevant ethical considerations in light of the situation. Exercise your ethical judgment by defending your considered position by considering and addressing alternatives and counter-arguments and identifying courses of action that best advance that position in the given circumstances.

Step 5: Conclusion

In this section, you will briefly summarize the key points made in this assignment. Note that you should also go beyond merely summarizing what you previously said. Reflect on the information that you have acquired and come to new conclusions based on that information.

For instance:

  • Does the organization’s ability to solve its issue (or not) tell us something else about the complex system (e.g., city, emirate, society) that it is embedded in?
  • Do you think the organization could act in different ways? What would better solve the issue and resolve the ethical conflicts and issues it faces?
  • Are there any barriers or challenges that the organization faces when attempting to address this distributive justice issue, and how can these be overcome?

Step 6: APA-Style #Professionalism

A reference page formatted in APA style.

  • Ideas and examples summarized or paraphrased from other authors must be appropriately cited. Do not use quotes in this assignment.
  • If you have any questions about APA style and referencing, refer to this resource.

Please note that you should adhere to APA Style & Format throughout your paper. This includes but is not limited to one space between sentences, indenting paragraphs, and utilizing leveled headings.

Additional Information

  • Make sure you draw your #Audience‘s attention to your BEST applications of the LOs by adding footnotes to your assignment. In the footnote, provide the hashtag of the LO with two to four sentences explaining your application.
  • Include a word count at the end of your main document (before the reference page). The word count excludes the title page, footnotes, and reference page.
  • Make sure you proofread and check your assignment before submitting it.
    • Utilize the CIS Academic Excellence Hub for support on grammar, professional writing, and APA style.
    • Review your lab materials to apply what you learned about APA style, and check this website for additional support with APA style:
    • Quotes may not be used in this assignment.
      • All referenced material should be paraphrased in your own words.
  • As you prepare your assignment, use this as an opportunity to meet with your instructor during office hours or by appointment.

Assignment Information


800-1000 words. Please include the word count (not including footnotes or the reference section) at the beginning of your assignment.



Learning Outcomes Added

  • Professionalism: Ensure that your communication follows established guidelines and use a careful editing process.
  • SystemAnalysis: Analyze and apply decompositions of systems into constituent parts at multiple levels of analysis.
  • Purpose: Identify and evaluate underlying goals and the values on which they are based, as well as the guiding principles that determine how an individual or group will try to attain these goals.
  • EthicalConsiderations: Identify ethical problems, framing them in a way that helps to resolve them.
  • EthicalJudgment: Resolve conflicts among competing ethical claims and act in a way that best satisfies relevant ethical considerations.

I PICKED RED CRESCENT: you can pick a specific campgin of theirs or talk in general about it

Focus on: agents and how they interact and how does it influences the organization

Purpose: explicitly mission vision values guiding principals

The mission is this:

These are the guiding principals:

The distributive justice issue is what the organization is dealing with

And how is it happening?

Analyze what does this organization should do if they were following any of the

For example

Kan will do this and this

Untilanrsism they will do this and this

Not in general; make it specific. and please follow the notes

Explanation & Answer

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