HSA5500CBE Human Resources Job Strategies


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  • Search salary ranges for “Senior Payroll Specialists”. What is the minimum salary that you would recommend? What is the maximum potential salary that you would recommend? How will you determine the salary to offer the candidate? Please be specific in terms of what constitutes a person receiving the maximum salary.


Create human resources and organizational development strategies that enable healthcare leaders to respond to opportunities and challenges in workforce and organizational development.


Wynn Regional Medical Center (WRMC) has one Payroll Specialist working in Human Resources. Due to the increased work and demand for payroll and benefits, there is a need to hire a Senior Payroll Specialist. The current Payroll Specialist started as a contract employee and has worked at WRMC for ten years. Unfortunately, he does not qualify for the Senior Payroll Specialist position because he does not have a college degree, so he will report directly to the Senior Payroll Specialist. His current salary is $55,000.


As the newly hired Vice President of Human Resources, you are tasked with developing a job description and salary range for the new Senior Payroll Specialist position that will be posted publicly. The job description should be a Word document and address the following:-

Job Duties

  • What will the candidate have to do? Please list a minimum of five (5) bullet points with examples.

Education Requirements

  • What type of education is required? Do you prefer a degree specialization? Human Resources? Business Management? Finance? Is the specialization required or preferred?

Experience Requirements

  • Will you require the candidate to have a certain number of years of experience?
  • Does the experience have to be in payroll or any Human Resources department?

Salary Range

  • Search
    salary ranges for “Senior Payroll Specialists”. What is the minimum salary that
    you would recommend? What is the maximum potential salary that you would
    recommend? How will you determine the salary to offer the candidate? Please be
    specific in terms of what constitutes a person receiving the maximum salary.

Grading Criterion

  • Comprehensive list of at least five job duties. Includes multiple examples for each item on the list.
  • Clear and thorough description of education requirements. Provide s multiple supporting rationale for each sub-bullet question.
  • Clear and thorough description of experience requirements. Provide s multiple supporting rationale for each sub-bullet question.
  • Clear and thorough description of salary range. Provide s multiple supporting rationale for each sub-bullet question.
Explanation & Answer

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