Fall 2023 Elementary Spanish I (SPA-111-2902)


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This discussion board is intended to help you learn about the term “Hispanic” and its meaning.

This assignment fulfills/supports

  • Module Outcome: You will have examined the meaning of the word “Hispanic” and similar terms.
  • Course Outcome: You will have demonstrated some knowledge of Hispanic civilization and culture
  • General Education Competency you will have created a brief composition in English.


For this assignment, you will need external sources. You have a wide variety of choices in what sources you use: books, magazines, documentaries, etc. Most of you will probably choose to use websites, and that is fine. You may NOT Wikipedia. Regardless of the sources you choose, you must remember two things if you wish to receive credit: you must cite all sources, and you must paraphrase everything you write. If you copy and paste, you will not receive credit, even if you have correctly cited your source.

Specific websites which you will need include:


Grading Criteria

This assignment (and all discussion boards) comes in two parts.

First, you will need to post an initial post of at least 300 words. Yes, your instructor will look at the word count, so you should too. This initial post is due by midnight, Sunday, and is worth 60% of your grade for this assignment. If you do not post by Sunday, you will receive a zero for this entire assignment.

Second, to receive full credit, you must respond to at least five other students with a response of no less than 100 words. Your five responses are worth 40% of your grade (or 8% per response.) These responses are due by midnight, Wednesday

Please write in paragraphs, in complete sentences. When responding to your classmates, please address them by name. (One letter grade will be subtracted for failure to do either.)

Note: plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will earn you at least a zero on the assignment in question, though harsher penalties are possible. Please note that this includes failure to cite your sources. (If you have questions about citations, consult the MLA guide available at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/.)

The Prompt

Go to the above website <http://www.fact-index.com/h/hi/hispanic.html> and read the article. Post your impressions of the reading. How do you thing the information compares to the general population or other minorities? What have you learned from the reading? Is any of this information of particular interest to you? Be thorough. Do not forget to be polite should you disagree with someone’s point of view.

Explanation & Answer

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