ENG102 module 4 argument plan – rhetorical considerations


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Overview: In this invention assignment, you will plan out your solution proposal for the problem you have researched. Offering well-thought-out, feasible solutions to problems is a valuable skill in all aspects of life, and this assignment will help you think through and explain the different sections of the argument you will develop. You will also learn the qualities of effective proposals as a means to invent ideas for your project and engage in research.

Step 1: Describe the Problem, Audience, and Genre

  1. Problem and Its Presence: Describe the problem in your community briefly, and explain why it is a serious problem that needs solving.
  2. Target Audience: Describe your intended audience – their values, beliefs, expectations, and why it is the right individual or group to address. Your audience should be a decision-maker or decision-making body in your specific community, who has the finances or authority to implement your solution and make that change happen.
  3. Genre: Indicate whether you will compose your proposal in the form of a letter or a memo. Which of the two genres/forms is more suitable for your rhetorical purpose and the specific audience you are targeting? Why?

Step 2: Explain Your Proposed Solution and Rhetorical Considerations

  1. Alternative Solutions and Drawbacks: List 2 alternative solutions that have been used or suggested previously to address the problem. Then, describe the drawback of each one with evidence.
  2. The Best Solution: State your proposed solution, explain why it is logical and feasible, and provide details for how it will be executed according to your audience’s position and/or ability to act. Avoid proposing multiple solutions, although your solution can involve multiple steps or parts if they are closely related and can be addressed by the same decision-maker.
  3. Justification for the Best Solution: Provide 2-3 convincing reasons why your audience should accept your proposed solution and act on it. Explain what evidence you might use to support each reason. Don’t forget evidence; all personal opinions and claims should be backed up with convincing, audience-specific evidence and research.
  4. Counter-Arguments and Rebuttal: Put yourself in the place of a skeptical/resistance audience, and list 2 possible objections or concerns that they may bring up to challenge the effectiveness and execution of your proposed best solution. Then, describe your response to each counter-argument and what evidence you might use to support your rebuttal. Remember, all personal opinions and claims should be supported with convincing, audience-specific evidence and research.
  5. Concluding Call to Action: Explain what rhetorical strategies you might use to offer a convincing call to the specific decision-maker to implement the solution you proposed.
  6. Step 3: Compose a Preliminary Thesis

    Craft a thesis for your solution proposal. The thesis in this argument should:

    • state your main claim (the solution you are proposing)
    • 2-3 audience-appropriate reasons in support of it (i.e., reasons geared towards your audience’s values and beliefs that will be most convincing for them)

    Step 4: Plan for the Advocacy Ad or PSA

    Indicate whether you will create an Advocacy Ad or a video PSA and who the audience will be for it. How will it complement your proposal? *I’m looking towards advocacy Ad.

    Submission Requirements

    • At least 700 words
    • Microsoft Word compatible format or PDF. All written work should be in a 12-pt font. Consult your instructor for additional formatting questions.

    I attached what my research problem and research solutions paper to help assist

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