discussion and responses


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Discussion Presentation

We rely on mental shortcuts to simplify the work around us, which means we rely on stereotypes to make decisions in the workplace. Everyone tends to fall into performance bias traps. What steps can we take to remove these biases in the workplace?

This assignment asks you to develop a slide presentation for an original post and then to respond to others using audio technology. If verbal communication is not possible for you, you may write your responses.


  • For your original post, develop a 6 slide presentation (using PowerPoint, Prezi, SlideShare, or a similar appropriate software) using the “4 skills to confront workplace bias” introduced by David Maxfield (2017) (CPR, Start with Heart, State My Path, Make it Safe) create your own skills presentation to share with your colleagues.
    • The audience for the slide presentation is composed of student scholars exploring contemporary leadership.
  • Proceed to the CSU Global Libraryto gather scholarly articles to support your presentation. Then prepare the presentation to include:
    • Slide 1: Title page, introduction, and purpose statement
    • Slide 2: CPR – Content, Pattern, Relationship
    • Slide 3: Start with Heart
    • Slide 4: State My Path
    • Slide 5: Make it Safe
    • Slide 6: References

When responding to others:

  • Respond to a minimum of two of your peers’ original posts according to Table 1 below. Use Zoom embedded in the discussion board to verbally communicate your response. (If verbal communication is not possible for you, respond in the usual written posting format.)
  • Responses are offered by way of critical analysis (covered in Module 1). Describe the frame of critical inquiry used, the investigative process, and your conclusions. Audio comments (or other types of media-processed comments—see above) are presented in a clear, concise, and professional manner. Comments should be between 2 to 3 minutes long (or, if written, between 300 and 600 words long). Dialogue between students continues in audio form (or in the other chosen format—see above).
  • If you use an online slide presentation tool, include in a Word document any information necessary for your instructor to access your presentation, and upload this with your presentation.
  • For help developing your presentation, visit the Visual Presentations section in the CSU Global Writing Center

Respond to student # 2 Presentation from Jayden ********************************300 words also**************************

*Topic: Module 7: Discussion Forum (instructure.com)

Explanation & Answer

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