degree planning


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  • Week 6: Read the ESC Area of Study (AOS) guidelines in your chosen AOS. You can overview the AOS here: and link to specific AOS guidelines (find “detailed guidelines”).In a paragraph explain the AOS guidelines in your own words. These guidelines explain what range of knowledge or skills students in the AOS are expected to master by the time they graduate. So, another way to think of this assignment is to understand what range of knowledge ESC wants students in this AOS to gain by the time they graduate. Explain this range of knowledge in your own words. Please reference the AOS guidelines but do not repeat them word for word. If the AOS guidelines are unclear, please make an appointment to discuss them with me. Email this to me. You can view AOS guidelines here:
  • Weeks 7-8: Choose studies at ESC to fulfill these guidelines and enter them in the DP Planner and explain those choices in your rationale essay. Your complete DP Planner will be 64 credits for an Associates or 124 credits for a Bachelors’ degree.

In 3-4 paragraphs briefly explain how the study options you choose will meet the AOS guidelines. You do not have to discuss every study in your degree, but you should explain how you will gain the range of knowledge or skills mentioned in the AOS guidelines. DISCUSS EACH GUIDELINE and explain how your degree fulfills it. For example, if the AOS guidelines require an understanding of research methodology for your chosen field, you should explain how you will learn research methodologies. If the AOS guidelines require students to grasp a historical context of the chosen field, you should explain how you will understand the historical context (a particular study group, independent study, online class, PLA credit, etc, or a combination of study options).

In order to choose study groups, online courses or independent study options you will search through the ESC catalog in the ESC registration site. You may choose online classes, face-to-face classes or independent studies. You will need to read the course descriptions to become familiar with the content of studies in order to understand what AOS guidelines they will fulfill. You may also discuss with your mentor options for independent study that are not listed in the course catalog. Enter your chosen studies in the DP Planner. Remember, your final DP must total either 64 credits (for an Associate’s degree) or 124 credits (for a Bachelor’s degree). Your DP Planner will plan out the entire degree plan (including transcript credits and PLA credits).

If the AOS guidelines are unclear, please make an appointment to discuss them with me.

Every degree requires 45 credits of advanced level credit, 24 of which need to be credits in the concentration. So make sure the degree contains enough advanced level credit. If you view your DP Planner in “official view” (tab at top of page) and scroll down to the bottom of the page, it will add up all of your credits and note if you are missing advanced level credits.

The paragraphs you have written are parts of your rationale essay. Begin combining them together to form an essay and email it to me.

Explanation & Answer

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