Critically Appraising Quantitative and Qualitative Research


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Evidence-based practice involves finding the best research evidence to support an intervention, which is integrated with patient preferences and values and professional expertise, and then implemented. Once you have searched and found relevant and timely research studies, the next step is to evaluate the quality of their methods, design, and other elements and to explore the application of the evidence they provide in different scenarios and settings. It is of paramount importance to correctly identify the type of research methods used in the study—quantitative or qualitative, or a mixture of both—and to evaluate the study to ensure those methods are high-quality, valid, reliable, and accurate. Consequently, doctoral professionals must develop a working knowledge of how to identify and critically appraise specific, important elements of both quantitative and qualitative research studies. Rapid critical appraisal tools assist in developing this skill.


Write a paper in which you:

  • Describe the key elements of a research study.
  • Complete a rapid critical appraisal of each study.
  • Write an executive summary that compares the two studies.

Document Format and Length

Your document should be 4–5 pages in length, including the overviews, rapid critical appraisals, and executive summary.

Supporting Evidence

Include at least two resources, other than the course textbook, to support your critical appraisals. Provide in-text citations and references in APA format for each study, the critical appraisal tools, and other resources used.

Assignment Grading

The following requirements correspond to the rubric criteria, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions in the rubric for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

  • Describe the key elements of a research study.
    • Include the study’s purpose, methods, design, results, and any other aspects of the study you think are noteworthy.
    • Consider how the study contributes to the scholarly literature.
  • Evaluate the quality of each study, using the appropriate rapid critical appraisal tool (RCA).
    • Create a table or other organized format for your answers to the questions on the RCA tool for each study.
    • What evidence supports your assertions and conclusions?
  • Compare a qualitative and quantitative study’s quality, significance, and the practical application of results (evidence) in a health care setting.
    • Consider the following questions to guide the comparison of these studies in your executive summary:
      • Which study provides the best overall evidence? What elements in the study led you to this conclusion?
      • Which study provides subjective information that could be integrated to make positive changes to services, processes, systems, or patient care?
      • What is the significance of each study’s results in a hospital setting? How do the results affect patients?
      • How could the evidence found in each study be applied in different health care settings? In the overall health care industry?
  • Support main points, assertions, arguments, or conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.
Explanation & Answer

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