Rosalind Krauss’s final diagram/Land Art


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Rosalind Krauss’s final diagram on page 38 of the reading depicts her definition of “the expanded field” of sculpture and includes the categories “marked site”, “site construction” and “axiomatic structures”. Based on the reading and this diagram, which category would you place each of the 3 case study artists in (Holt, Denes, and Christo) and why? Pick 1 artwork for each artist – explain your reasoning for each categorization.


————————————————————————————————————–The Land Art Movement emerged in the late 1960’s in the United States and Great Britain, coinciding with a desire by many artists to reject the museum or gallery as the setting of artistic activity. Land artists of the 60’s and 70’s often retreated to rural lands and deserts to develop monumental landscape projects, beyond the reach of traditional sculpture and the commercial art market.

Watch PBS’s “The Case for Land Art” as an introduction to the Land Art / Earth Art movement.


Part 2: 3 case stadies;

Agnes Denes, Nancy Holt and Christo + Jean-Claude are 3 of many influential land artists. Learn more about each of their practices and works through the videos below.

Agnes Denes (born 1931 in Budapest) is known for her work in a wide range of media. Her 1982 project Wheatfield—A Confrontation, was an especially iconic piece commissioned by the Public Art Fund.

Who is Agnes Denes

Remembering Wheatfield

Nancy Holt (1938 – 2014, Unites States) was known for her public sculpture, installation art and land art. Her 1976 project, Sun Tunnels in the Utah desert continues to be visited thousands each year.

Sun Tunnels (recommended start time – 2:30)

Christo + Jean – Claude (1935–2020) and (1935–2009) were artists and partners known for large-scale, site-specific environmental installations, often landmarks and landscape elements wrapped in fabric. Their infamous collaborations began in the early 1970s and continue till the current day.

Meet the Artists

Lost Art

Discussion Prompts: (pick one or chose your own)

– All 3 of these artists’ practices focus on transforming a site or place into something other than what it was. But they do this in very different ways. Which of the artworks or practices impacts you the most? What techniques or ideas does that artist implement when transforming the place?

– Think back to topics and conversations of public and private space. How do you see public and private space being experienced (or taken for granted) in any of these artists’ works?

-How do any of these land art pieces question the relationships between humans and nature? Explain.


Explanation & Answer

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