Community Health Nursing


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Direct Care Project Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis (Graded)



The purpose of this direct care project is for learners to apply the nursing process to a community health problem determined by their observations and data collected of vulnerable populations in their community.

Direct Care Overview

  1. There are four parts to the Direct Care Project.
  2. There will be graded Projects Check-ins that correlate to each part.
  3. The topic selected in Part 1 will be the same one used in Parts 2 through 4. Your choice is either Air Quality OR Substance Use.
  4. Review the table below for overview and due dates with each topic.
  5. Carefully review the instructions, tutorials, templates, and rubrics for each of the four parts as you begin this Direct Care Project.
  6. Contact your instructor with questions.

Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis 170 Sunday end of Week 2 Assess your community and collect data on air quality Assess your community and collect data on substance use

Course Outcomes

This direct care project enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: 

  • CO 2: Assess the health of populations, aggregates, and communities (PO4)
  • CO 3: Apply the nursing process to vulnerable populations with professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice (PO4 & 8)
  • CO 5: Utilize a collaborative approach to address factors that influence population health (PO2)
  • CO 6: Examine collaborative trends in community health nursing (PO2)

Part 1 enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: 

  • CO 2: Assess the health of populations, aggregates, and communities (PO4)
  • CO 3: Apply the nursing process to vulnerable populations with professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice (PO4 & 8)

    Directions for Part 1

    Review the Direct Care Project Overview above.

    1. Select topic (Air Quality OR Substance Use) from the table. This will be the topic of your entire course project.
    2. View the Direct Care Project Part 1 Tutorial:
    3. Download the corresponding Assessment and Diagnosis template under Templates below. For example, if you have selected Air Quality as your topic, download the Air Quality Assessment and Diagnosis Template.
    4. Collect the data outlined in the template. There are two parts:
      • Online data collection – gather data from the weblinks provided on the template
        • Please note, if you live in Washington D.C. it may be listed as a state or county. You may list the Washington D.C. data as state and county, then compare to the U.S. data.
      • Modified windshield survey data collection – gather local community data by physically looking at your community
        • If possible, plan on asking someone to drive during your survey so that you can take notes.
        • Your community should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work. The community must include a residential area and be a large enough area to answer the survey questions. If you live in a large area, you may choose a suburb.
        • Note: It is helpful to conduct this portion of the assessment at least two different times: during the day or evening, on a weekday, and/or on the weekend.
    5. Identify a nursing problem (nursing diagnosis) based on data and observations
      • You must select a problem caused by your topic
      • Important: the problem you identify will be utilized in Parts 2, 3, and 4 of the project.
    6. Identify the vulnerable population that the problem affects. This will also determine who you will present to in Part 3.
    7. Write the nursing diagnosis (See template and chapter 6 in Nies & McEwen textbook for more information)
Explanation & Answer

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