Article Review


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  1. please read the instruction carefully any submission doesn’t have all the mention instructions will be refunded
  2. Read the entire article. Many journal articles can be quite complex and use complicated wording and statistics. You may need to read the article a few times before you get a full grasp of it.
  3. Write a citation for the journal article at the top of the review. You will need the title of the article, the journal where the article is published, the volume and issue number, publication date, author’s name and page numbers for the article.
  4. Write a summary of the article. This should be roughly two to three pages, depending on the length of the article. Include the purpose for the article, how research was conducted, the results and other pertinent information from the article.
  5. Discuss the meaning or implication of the results from this study. This should be one to two paragraphs. This is where you offer your opinion on the article. Discuss any flaws with the article, how you think it could have been better and what you think it all means.
  6. Write one paragraph discussing how the author could expand on the results, what the information means in the big picture, what future research should focus on or how future research could move the topic forward. Discuss how knowledge in the area could be expanded.
  7. Cite any direct quotes or paraphrases from the article. Use the author’s name, the year of publication and the page number (for quotes) in the in-text citation.
  8. This is the article:
    Crow, M. S., & Adrion, B. (2011). Focal concerns and police use of force: Examining the factors associated with Taser use. Police Quarterly, 14(4), 366-387.The use of force by police officers is a regular source of interest among the public, media, scholars, and criminal justice professionals. Tasers have emerged as an important and increasingly popular technology for police departments. Despite the increasing adoption and use of Tasers and the controversy surrounding their use, relatively little prior research examines the factors associated with Taser use by police officers. Guided by the focal concerns theoretical perspective, the current study uses data from a medium-size police department to analyze the factors that influence Taser use. Logistic regression models provide evidence that Taser use is influenced by suspect resistance as well as the race and gender of the suspect involved. Implications for policy and research are discussed.

  9. **Only cite the article above

    Same writing structure as previously attached below

Explanation & Answer

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