English 001b final draft


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Essay Topic

Choose one of the following prompts, and write a three-page essay (minimum length) in response:

          1. In Heidi Schreck’s play “What the Constitution Means to Me,” who makes the stronger argument to abolish the Constitution, Heidi, in Part 2, or Thursday, in the alternate debate?
          2. In Heidi Schreck’s play “What the Constitution Means to Me,” who makes the stronger argument to keep the Constitution, Rosdely, in Part 2, or Heidi, in the alternate debate?

Take into consideration each debater’s use of ethos, logos, and pathos as rhetorical appeals to persuade the audience, as well as any potential logical fallacies on the part of the debaters.


Your first finished draft should be finished, but it is a first draft. As such, the draft does not need to be as polished and won’t be judged as your final draft will be. The purpose of the first draft is to get ideas down on the page so that you, your peers, and I can evaluate how successfully the draft is developing.

Your peers and I will provide feedback to your first draft to help you improve the paper before you submit a revised draft.

Format Guidelines

Adhere to MLA-style in manuscript format and in documentation of source material.

To Submit

Save your file as a PDF and upload the document.

feedback from teach and student from first draft:

also the attachment below is feedback from teacher from the first draft for the final draft

feedback 1: I am somewhat confused by the first sentence of this draft. Is it the title of the essay? It ends with a question mark, is indented, and is sort of a thesis statement even as it lacks the possibility of an argument to be made. This, in my opinion, should be fixed.
The introduction is long on praise of the text, but it is short on summary of the text and lacks a thesis statement.
“At the heart of this theatrical experience are two distinct voices”
I would argue that it wasn’t a theatrical experience because you read it, and you offer no support for the assertion that their voices are distinct from one another. I had trouble telling which passage was by Heidi and which was by Rosdely because they read as so similar to me.
Overall good writing. I couldn’t figure out the quotes.

Bradley Valdez , Nov 1 at 12:25pm

feedback 2: Vazgen,
Thank you for this draft. Unfortunately, there are some serious problems with your draft that suggest you didn’t read the play.
The first thing you get wrong is your claim that Thursday argues to preserve the Constitution. She does no such thing. In the Alternate Debate, Thursday takes the position to abolish the Constitution. She notes, “I have come to realize that this document does not protect me. It never did and It never will” (Schreck 92).
A couple of other things about your draft concern me. You don’t include a single quotation from the play. Usually when quotes are missing, it’s a sign that the student did not read the play. I hope that’s not the case here.
Additionally, you use outside source material in your essay to provide summary details from the play. This makes no sense. Cite the play for its own details. You don’t need outside sources to provide summary–unless you haven’t read the play.
You’ll have to rewrite the essay. Be sure to read the play first so that what you say about the play reflects the text. I suggest not using outside sources, but providing instead your own close reading of the text.
I’ve annotated your document. Review those annotations and reach out with any questions.
Prof. Perea

Prof. Manny Perea , Nov 1 at 1:57pm

feedback 3: The article is quite good. When given the evidence in the article, for me it is still not enough to convince that Heidi has a better argument than Thursday. Things like work cited and evidence are quite good

Explanation & Answer

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