Write 6+ sentences for each topic (less than 10 sentences)


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Discussion 7 All Wars Are Bankers

Wars Including 1812.

All Wars Are Bankers Wars.mp4

First read the following article.

/content/enforced/623688-018502-61-1181-1-6201/The Real cause of the War of 1812.docx

How does this what you all read in this attachment differ from what you read in your textbook as the cause of the war of 1812?

Next listen to or read in PDF form the attached and audio. Afterwards, your team comes up with a conclusion about which ever one you chose concerning anything you heard or saw.

Guy Who Dresses Like A 19th Century Dandy Hasn't Worn ...

I could care less who wins war here in 1812, as long as myself and Nathan get to refinance the rebuilding of both sides after the war’s end. I have invited my friend over for dinner so that he and I could discuss it.

Another choice in approaching this topic is to Reply to a classmate’s response to the topic in at least 3 sentences and of course ‘I agree with you Robert.’ does not cut it.

Discussion 8: Posting The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Bank of the United States.

The Federal Reserve Fraud


"Alexander Hamilton Wearing Aviator Sunglasses" Canvas ...

Another choice in approaching this topic is to Reply to a classmate’s response to the topic in at least 3 sentences and of course ‘I agree with you Robert.’ does not cut it.

Discussion 9 The States in the Jaws of the Monster.


Yes, this is how we roll on all there in the 21st Century. And you had indeed better beware of us because decide how much of your money you are allowed to have. Have you ever been to your favorite fast food joint and zinged that Bank of America credit card, when the cashier told you to swipe your card; the green ‘approved’ check comes up on the screen.

480px-Light_green_check.svg | Wiltshire ConcreteYou want to say to Bank of America ‘Thank you for letting me have this.’ Don’t you? Well that is the point of doing it — to get you conditioned in mind that they are allowing you to have things. And if you cross us, below is what can happen to you. Below are all those sheep who fell out of our ‘good graces’ and we sent our ‘Monster’ after them.


Well in 1819, we the ‘Banksters’ sent our ‘Monster’ (The private central bank known as the 2nd Bank of The U.S.) after those Americans. But first, let’s watch how J.P. Morgan Chase fleeced you 21st Century Americans in 2008. All I say is that our money truly is gut as song in the video says. (Yes, yes I know this next image looks good to you. It is not supposed to but it does. It is not your fault. You have been conditioned that his is beauty.)

Stacks of money. New one hundred dollars. — Stock Photo ...


By the way, the ‘monopoly man’ of the Parker Brothers 1901 board game Monopoly was based on old man J.P. Morgan himself, whom the Parkers knew personally because they were all a part of that rich rung of society in the late 19th Century. They created Monopoly to give the ordinary man a chance to (at least while you are playing the game) see what it was like to be banker shark like J.P. Morgan, an individual who spent his entire life doing nothing but acquiring by hook or crook (mostly by crook).

Monocle Monopoly Man - The Big Bang Theory Reference ...

Half the world's wealth now officially in the hands of 1% ...

Monopoly man | Awesomely Luvvie

Monopoly man


Monopoly Man With Uzi Clipart , Png Download - Monopoly ...

Alec Monopoly print on Canvas Graffiti art Gun Man The ...

Pin on Tees & Tanks

Anyway, on to your team’s Canvas 9 Discussion. Into the Jaws of the Monster. Draw your conclusions about the 2nd Bank of the U.S. and what they did in 1819 to the American people. = Was it the B.U.S’s (Bank of the U.S.) fault that the young nation had its first depression?

Below is a 1819 crowd of angry a$, out of work people who are blaming the B.U.S for their condition. Where they justified? It is up to your team to find out.

Mimi Speaks: The Panic of 1819 (3)

Using this video link and what you read in your textbook (Find the topic in the index.), explain in your own words what caused the Panic of 1819.

Bank problems, 1819-style

Now watch the next video and tell us if your team agrees that the B.U.S should be in existence in the first place.


Another choice in approaching this topic is to Reply to a classmate’s response to the topic in at least 3 sentences and of course ‘I agree with you Robert.’ does not cut it.

Discussion 10 President Jackson vs the B.U.S.

When I was a young man growing up in the Tenn. frontier, I did some dirty things for money and to establish myself. One of the most shameful things I did was work as past due collector for banks in Tenn. shakedown-1340048_1920 | Gertsburg Law Firm Co., LPA

It was filthy business because I had to shake down people I knew could have used the money for their immediate survival. (below)

Pictures Of Real Life For Children, 1819 | Spitalfields LifeThis poor soul lost everything in the Panic of 1819 because he not only put up his dead father’s live saving and his own to buy that cotton land, but he also took out a usury loan with a bank to help pay for the land. When cotton prices crashed, he lost everything and still had to pay the loan’s principle but the usury interest back. That is where I, young Jackson stepped in as you can see below with a pistol. I was just scaring him to pulling up more money than he was showing me. It was dirty, as you can see he did try to resist and pull his own gun on me but that did not work out too well for him.

Young Andrew Jackson winning a pistol duel. Hand-colored ...

Again, this business was very dirty for a young man to be involved in. But at the time, I was doing it to move up in this filthy world where money is the most important thing. This poor debt ridden bastard in the above is waving his hand at me, begging me to stop and he will pay the bank I collected for. Later in life, I felt bad about becoming nothing more than what you are about see here immediately below. But I had to scare some of those that early 19th century banks sent me after. In the below 21st century scene two collectors are after two people who owe them money for selling muscle enhancements in their gym.


Yes, that is right. I got ‘rough’ with people who owed money just like he did. And yes, I ‘smacked’ a few people around to get them to understand this was serious.

Today in History: Andrew Jackson Wins a Duel in Kentucky ...And yes, I had to ‘smoke’ a few who instead of cooperating me, got ‘smart mouthed’ and put up resistance.

In fact, by the time I ran for President in 1828, I had been in at least 21 different shootouts, knife fight, ‘scrapes,’ and pistol duels. It was used against me in that years campaign. They argued that how could you the American people even consider such a thug to be President.

But guess what? The South said to themselves ‘Yeah!! This is the kind of real man we want in there.’ and most southerners of 1828 voted for me. But as yo will read later in chapter 10, the bastards cheated me in the Election of 1828 and put a ‘panzie’ like John Q. Adams in there. But I did get tem back in the Election of 1832.

The point is that I was like the 2 of them in the video. I had to scare my clients like this. poor bastard below who owed. I, my rifle and my horse ran him down and caught him the hard way.


I felt to bad about this part of my life that I hated banks and vowed to work against them in every way I could.

Andrew Jackson

Some Food for thought — Some of the final words of mine about banks.

Below are my feelings about the private central bank known as “The Second Bank of The United States.”

“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the bread stuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”

Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)

Below, I am doing battle with the BUS as President.

97 best Andrew Jackson 7th US President images on ...

Now here are the last words Jackson said on his old age death bed, when asked about his greatest accomplishment in his life. Jackson

replied “I killed the Bank.” and then died.

The following video links below are optional, but will help you understand the past battles honorable and decent Americans have had with the banks.

In this video you will see Jackson’s relationship with bank summarized in less than 3 minutes. = Andrew Jackson and the Banks

This is a short, comical, cartoon, which has as it message the ‘American Dream’ ends in a nightmare of debt. Andrew Jackson is in a scene where he fights the multi-headed monster bank. His last words before he died will be those you will never forget about him. = The American Dream Film-(English Subtitles)

After watching all you have seen about me, does your team see the reasons I hate banks so much. Do you share similar views of banks (especially the private central bank called the Federal Reserve) of your time)? [Think back to the past Discussions an what you know about the Federal Reserve and private central banking in general.]

Another choice in approaching this topic is to Reply to a classmate’s response to the topic in at least 3 sentences and of course ‘I agree with you Robert.’ does not cut it.

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