Visual Workshop


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For this workshop, you will turn your term paper’s topic into a visual argument. The purpose of this workshop is to have you envision your argument in a new way, helping you prepare to write your central thesis. If you can pin down the crux of your argument in a singular image, then you can more accurately describe your paper’s thesis or main argument. By using a different medium, we are considering new audiences for your argument and conveying it in a more multidisciplinary fashion. If you aren’t familiar with visual argument concepts, you should begin by reading the Ramage at. al chapter in module 10.

As you prepare for this workshop, first illustrate the theory, common ground, or core disagreement between the disciplines you’re working with for your topic. You might do this with a meme, an equation, an animation, a flow chart, a collage, a comic, a cartoon, etc. You are creating a kind of visual model of the concepts guiding your research. You must create the image yourself, but you may combine or manipulate images from other sources as long as you credit them appropriately. Then, you should explain why this image describes the disagreement or grounds in your research. This exercise should help you imagine a way these might be argued out in the real world. You know your topic better than I do, so this assignment isn’t graded on the grounds or disagreements you identify but on how you depict and explain it. The image itself receives up to 50 points for being relevant and meeting the described criteria. The paragraph can receive up to 50 points depending on how well it discusses the imagery and the argument. Your paragraph will receive partial credit if it only explains the image without relating it to the argument or connecting it to your disciplines.

Below are some examples for clarity.

This image is a collage mixed with an animation of social media popping up. Multiple things are occurring in this image because this is a situation that happens in reality. Businesses need to start adding a social media training program to their basic training. But why? Why does social media matter in companies? By adding social media training, it will teach employees the right and wrong way to post a status because many people don’t understand the impact of the way they communicate online. Posting negative, bashing statuses can result in a job loss or reputation loss. Learning to post the correct way can result in a positive effect along with building the company up. This image shows the background of New York City where there are multiple businesses with hundreds of employees. The transparent picture shows a gentleman sitting on his computer distracted from work by social media. The thing that stands out is the screen itself; there are negative statuses that have been posted on social media sites. The two sites are called Facebook and Twitter, in which employees of businesses are bashing and stating negative comments about their workplace. Employees need to be made aware that criticism made on social media is public and affects the company, so the company is not obligated to keep you around if you post like that. These statuses will result in a write-up or termination based on the employer. If businesses start to include social media training into their basic training, it can take away a couple of these issues along with building up a business with the correct use of social media

Answer these 2 questions

13.3: Reflect on your own bias at the outset of the project and ask how your view on the topic has changed as a result of examining views that conflict your own.

13.6: How is the ability to engage in critical thinking developed differently in interdisciplinary contexts than in disciplinary contexts?

Explanation & Answer

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