time phase diary 2


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Phase 2 Directions:

This is an individual assignment. Your 3-page paper should include the following elements, in the following order:

  1. An introduction paragraph that summarizes the main ideas you will cover in your paper.
  2. The body of your paper in which you should address the following topics:
    • Topic 1: Describe your overall time use.
      • What (if anything) about your time use surprised you?
      • Describe either your use of technology or your social/alone time (depending on the analysis you chose in Phase I).
      • How is your leisure time use similar to or different from the general population?
  3. Topic 2: Look at the emotion and stress variables in your Phase 1 data.
    • Overall, how stressed were you? Overall, what was your emotional state?
    • What trends do you observe (e.g. When are you most/least stressed? When are you happiest/least happy?)
    • What activities are related to fluctuations in emotions and stress?
  4. Topic 3: Reflect on how your leisure connects to your overall health/wellness.
    • What about your leisure supports your health/wellness? How?
    • What about your leisure detracts from your health/wellness? How?
    • Reflecting on your time-use data, are there any behaviors you would change to better support your own health and human development?
  5. A conclusion paragraph that describes your key takeaways from the assignment.
  6. A references page (on a separate page, does not count towards page total).
    • You must cite a minimum of three outside source citations. Citations should be used for all definitions of key terms as well as to denote any outside sources you referred to in your paper. Sources include:
      • Books
      • Peer-reviewed articles (use https://scholar.google.com/)Links to an external site.
      • Internet articles from reputable sources (i.e. NPR, CNN, University websites, Non-profit organizations). Please do not cite Wikipedia, Twitter, etc. If in doubt, ask me beforehand.
      • Class lectures/notes do not count, but course readings & the American Time Use Survey do.
  • You must use APA formatting for both in-text citations and your references list.

Formatting Guidelines:

  • Separate sections using headers in your document.
  • 12-point font, 1” margins, double spaced.
  • Name and page number in the header of the document. No other titles, other information at top of page.
Explanation & Answer

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