Time Analysis Report (Pie charts and report)


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For this assignment, use Excel to track your time. (You can just fill in the excel sheet with activies for each day)

The purpose of this assignment is to 1) show you what you would have to go through if you
were actually being rational, logical, and calculating, 2) to help you see that the market cost
of a product/service/activity doesn’t actually represent its true cost to you, 3) to help you
understand and apply the concept of opportunity costs in your decision-making, and 4) to
help become a better consumer.
Experts recommend that you don’t spend more than your starting salary on your education.
For example, if the starting salary as a School Counselor is $35,000. You should not spend
more than $35,000 on your college education to become a School Counselor. You are to
conclude your assignment by answering the question “Did you make a wise consumer
choice?” Should be a minimum of 2 pages in length, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-
inch spacing margins, and double spaced.

You are to keep track of all your time and what you spend from Sept 4th to Nov 12.
You can use Excel to create pie charts from your information.
You are asked to analyze your time use and to calculate how much it is costing you, in direct
and indirect costs, to do each activity that you engage in.
Using the data that you gather; you are to create two pie charts.

First Pie Chart
The first pie chart should identify how many hours you spent on each activity you did from
the start of the project (starting Monday at 8:00 am of the second week of class) to the
Sunday before the project is due. So it should be from August 28 to Nov. 12

Second Pie Chart
The second pie chart must show how much each activity cost you to do taking into
consideration direct and indirect costs.
For example, suppose you went to the mall three times. You would calculate the cost of the
trip to the mall as follows:
1. Travel Time ((Wear & Tear (round trip 20 miles x .625= $12.50) + Time (Round Trip 2-
hour x $10 hourly wage=$20)) x 3 =$97.50
2. $100 amount spent during each trip x 3 =$300.00
3. 4. 2 hours shopping per visit x 10 x 3 = $60.00
4. Total amount spent on shopping at mall= $457.50
Use the current IRS mileage reimbursement rate of 65.5 cents per mile. This means that
each mile you drive costs you 65.5 cents in insurance, gas, and wear and tear on your

Formatting, Structure, and Rubric for Time Analysis Assignment
The analysis should be between 3-4 pages in length, 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-
inch spacing margins, and double spaced. It should include an introduction on the purpose of
the paper, body discussing the results with the 2 charts, and a conclusion discussing what you
learn about yourself by doing this project. You should at least discuss what you learned
about how you spend your time and what it is costing you to do the things you do, especially
if you are in a relationship or spending time with friends.

For the record, I am a college student, in a relationship, and have a job. I go out with friends on weekends, your simple average college student. Please include information that is relevant to my life and would make sense on the excels.

Explanation & Answer

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