The Big Picture


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Automatic Zero if the following occurs:

  • No job description included


  • Must be submitted as a single PDF file
  • Use this file for your submission: TheBigPictureMemoFile.docx
    • No intro or closing paragraph, just type your responses for the 9 items below.
  • 1 full-page for your response, job description page length varies
    • Page 1 – response to the 9 items, page 2+ – job description
  • Should be in a numbered list, not in an essay format.
  • No references needed

Assignment Information:

For reference, see Chapter 9, page 308, Ex. 9.2. I’ve also included it below.

  • Chapter 9: Pay-for-Performance: Theory and Evidence

1) Choose a job description from the internet. Choose a job description that is of interest to you post-graduation and that you are qualified for. Include the job description starting on the second page with your submission, you can attach it however you want.

2) Imagine you are the employee working in the job from the job description you chose! Based on the three parts of the three different triangles that comprise employee behavior, and utilizing company research (website, information from credible sources online, etc.), discuss using specifics and terms from the book what about the company, the job, and/or how the company is set up, would get the best BEHAVIOR out of you for each of the items below. The job description will generally not contain enough information for all of the items below so that is why you should research items with little to no information in the job description. You should respond to all 9 parts below:

  • Ability Triangle-
    • 1. Selection
    • 2. Recruitment
    • 3. Training
  • Motivation Triangle
    • 1. Performance Management
    • 2. Compensation
    • 3. Culture
  • Opportunity Triangle
    • 1. Organizational Design
    • 2. Organizational Development
    • 3. HR Planning

***Find a realistic job. For example, an entry-level management position out of college most likely won’t pay $100k.


C – 40 points, all nine points covered, similar length for all, exactly 1 full page for the response, include specifics and relate to the book/class for the response, job description is realistic

L – 8 points, spelling, grammar, and punctuation

A – 5 points, business professional

S – 5 points, paragraph length, paragraph unity and coherence, good subject line

Sa – 7 points, writing style, no run-on sentences, wordiness, complicated language, hidden verbs, etc.

Sb – 10 points, document design, professional tables, everything aligned, proper block formatting

Figure 9.2


Explanation & Answer

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