Interview Transcript & Critique

Description Begin this assignment by creating 5-10 open-ended questions for the person you wish to interview. Remember to also avoid asking “why” questions. In a face-to-face interview with the person of your choice, ask the questions and allow the person you are interviewing sufficient time to answer. When creating your questions, arrange them in a…

Case Study – rubric attached

Description Review the following case information and respond to the questions which follow. Your responses should thoroughly respond to the question(s) and you should utilize your course text and additional resources if necessary to support your responses. Please submit your responses in a word document 4 pages (of content) without references and cover page. Remember…

mini case presantation

Description Mini Case Presentation Assignment Information Case Presentations are often used in counseling to allow a counselor the opportunity to receive feedback from their treatment team. A Case Presentation is a snapshot, which summarizes the client. A full Case Presentation would contain: Description of client: Appearance, dress, gender, age, disposition. Presenting Problems: Reasons the client…

webinar summary

Description Use a link from the previous page to view a NAADAC webinar related to CBT. For this assignment, after watching one of the webinar options, summarize your understanding of your selected webinar in a 1-page paper. Content: Name of Webinar. At least 2 facts presented. Your thoughts about the information. Format: 1-page. Double Spaced…