UA Readings On Gibson Hooks Lorde and Mollow Summaries

Description We learn as much from each other as we do from the texts that we read. Therefore, participation is the foundation to this course. For your weekly discussion posts, engaging thoroughly with the texts we read, summarizing their arguments, and responding thoughtfully is crucial to your success in the course. What did you like?…

UA Melanin by Ciara Taps Song Lyrics Analysis Paper

Description Song Lyric Analysis For this extra credit assignment, your job is to code two songs for thematic lyrical messaging. One song that you feel reinforces course concepts of controlling images and one song that disrupts these controlling images and works to promote Black women’s image, identity, and agency. Apply course concepts of Black feminism,…

UA The Media & the Tears of A Struggling Woman Correlation Discussion

Description We learn as much from each other as we do from the texts that we read. Therefore, participation is the foundation to this course. For your weekly discussion posts, engaging thoroughly with the texts we read, summarizing their arguments, and responding thoughtfully is crucial to your success in the course. What did you like?…

UA Widening Income Inequality & Opponents of Privatization Essay

Question Description I’m working on a humanities exercise and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Why is the Electoral College controversial? In three paragraphs, explain why opponents of the Electoral College object to it and what they argue should replace it (paragraph 1), why defenders of the Electoral College support its continued…

UA Pruno Brewing and Botulism in Prisons Case Study

Description Walters et al. (2015) studied the link between inmates producing illicit alcoholic beverages, called pruno, and botulism outbreaks in U.S. prisons.  Following one outbreak, the researchers conducted a qualitative study at a U.S. prison in Utah.  They interviewed 27 inmates and 13 staff about the process of pruno brewing and its importance to the…

UA Max Horkheimer & Theodor W Adornos Dialectic of Enlightenment Essay

Description Here?s the Professor?s instructions: Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno argue in their book Dialectic of Enlightenment that the radical pursuit of scientific knowledge and instrumental rationality paradoxically yields highly irrational results and plunges humanity back into mythology and barbarism. In a single essay, write about how Huxley?s novel Brave New World supports or…

UA Humanities Identifying Emerging Health Care Problems Summary Paper

Description learning summary The summary is a broader reflection of the lessons learned and key takeaways from the grouped course weeks. This is your personal communication with me to demonstrate what you are learning and how you will/can apply it.  These assignments are also intended to build your written communication skills as a public health/healthcare…

UA Symptomatic Impacts of Substance Abuse Presentation

Description Research and then communicate through a presentation the following 2 elements for the chosen health topic are Substance abuse ( students or families).. The presentation should include a minimum of one slide for each element: Element*****Symptomatic impact of the health issue for individuals Element****** Impact of the health issue on academic and social progress…

UA Analyzing the Impacts of COVID 19 on Mental Health Discussion

Question Description I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need guidance to help me learn. Discussion Think of a public health or health care issue of importance to you. Identify this issue and provide an example of two constructs, how you might define/measure each one, and a hypothesis that connects them.