private prisons

Description Private Prisons: After reading the Marshall Project’s article “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Private Prisons” (link below), consider the following questions in a well-written initial posting determining should the United States allow significant increases of private prisons: 1) Should the United States allow for private prisons? Why or why not? 2) After…

prosecutorial misconduct

Description Prosecutorial Misconduct: After reading the Slate article” New York’s Prosecutorial Misconduct Review Panel Could Be Groundbreaking” (link below), consider the following questions in a well-written initial posting to analyze the ethical foundation of the prosecutorial misconduct review panel: 1) What are some of the types of prosecutorial misconduct that occurred? 2) How many prosecutors…

Ethical dilemma

Description Discussion #1: Ethical Dilemma Scenario Define what constitutes an ethical dilemma. Using the steps outlined in Chapter 1, how would you respond to the following scenario? A probation officer is in the common area of the office. As she approaches the office secretary to ask about a court date, she sees case files open…

Troy University Police Corruption among Mexican Police Officers through a Social Learning Essay

Description Title:Explaining Police Corruption among Mexican Police Officers through a Social Learning For this assignment you will have to provide a summary of the existing literature that have analyzed the dependent variable in you study. You will state what theories have or could explain changes on your dependent variable, and will describe what variables have…

TU Service & Maintenance Function Difference Discussion

Question Description I’m working on a criminal justice question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Explain and describe differences between the service function, order maintenance function, and law enforcement function of the police, then discuss the principle functions of police traffic operations. Article for additional reading: Missing persons.pdf 

Troy University Police Corruption among Mexican Police Officers through a Social Learning Essay

Description Title:Explaining Police Corruption among Mexican Police Officers through a Social Learning For this assignment you will have to provide a summary of the existing literature that have analyzed the dependent variable in you study. You will state what theories have or could explain changes on your dependent variable, and will describe what variables have…