given your readings from

Description magine a post-conflict peacekeeping operation on the Korean Peninsula. Given your readings from Week 8, what would be important theoretical and operational approaches for a successful operation? What approaches might lead to failure (given your knowledge of other UN peacekeeping mission disasters)? I look forward to reading your posts and providing feedback on the…

Presentation Milestone 1

Description As preparation for your first Milestone Presentation and the course’s other presentations, it is recommended that you choose a tool that you are comfortable with or that you would like to become more familiar with. Some tools that work well for creating narrated presentations are PowerPoint, Zoom, or Kaltura. Please consult the help page…

ECO 100 Week 5 Discussion – Considering Tradeoffs You Make Every Day

Description Considering Tradeoffs You Make Every Day Let’s talk about two trade-offs we face every day: how we spend our time and money. There are many things we can do with our money. Money spent on one thing isn’t available to spend on another. Also, there are many things we can do with our time. We can…

You are the advisor to a senior policy maker tasked with writing a report for your boss.

Description You are the advisor to a senior policy maker tasked with writing a report for your boss. They have asked you to give some recommendations, regarding the national strategy for combating terrorism on both global and domestic fronts, and how to improve policy options for defeating terrorism, including your recommendations for reform for the…