Authentication is the key

Description You need to implement a web application that is split into three parts, namely, Webpage, PHP, and MySQL Your application should have at least 3 different PHP pages: login.php (for database credentials), users’ sign-in and sign-up on one page, and home page (with an option to log-out). You should use Session and/or Cookie appropriately….

Rhetorical Analysis of a Cultural Artifact : Golden Gate Bridge

Description Assignment Overview: For this essay, you’ll be conducting a rhetorical analysis of a cultural artifact. Analysis, as a process, can take many forms (psychological, sociological, economic, moral, scientific). But a rhetorical analysis of a cultural artifact is specific: it explains the message that the cultural artifact conveys and how its unique features and characteristics…

– Use SW to model the object shown below. Extract 2D shop drawings.

Description Mechanical Engineering Department ME 20 Lab work # 8 – SolidWorks (shop drawing and tolerancing) Fall 2023 1 – Use SW to model the object shown below. Extract 2D shop drawings. Print, on one page, three standard views (front, top, and right side). Show all hidden and center lines and dimension the drawings according…

– (15) Model the object shown below. Extract 2D shop drawings

Description SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Mechanical Engineering Department ME 20 Lab work # 9 – Section and Auxiliary views Fall 2023 Section view 2 – (15) Model the object shown below. Extract 2D shop drawings. The front view must be an offset section view. Use the cutting plane B-B. Dimension the drawings according to the…

final draft problem statement on low income individual in Santa Clara county

Description Im doing a paper on low income individuals I’ve done draft all that needs to be done is add another page or two to make it a final paper and add a few more informations ! Conduct a literature review to assess the health and social ecology of a community using scientific data and…

Use SW to model the objects shown below, and then use appropriate commands to produce 2D shop drawings.

Description Use SW to model the objects shown below, and then use appropriate commands to produce 2D shop drawings. Show all hidden and center lines and dimension the drawings. Also include a 3D (isometric) viewof the object and place it in the upper right hand corner of the 2D sheet. Upload to Canvas a word…