C J433 Probation and Parole

Description Unit 2 Assignment: The PSI You are a probation officer who has been directed to prepare a presentence investigation (PSI) report. Remember, you are providing the judge with a complete picture of this individual offender and what may have caused them to break the law. You also want to tell the judge about the…

Introduction to psychology unit 3

Description In this unit, you are learning more about the biological influences in psychology, as well as the genetic endowments that shape your behavior. In this discussion, you will consider how stress impacts you biologically, considering concepts such as genetic influences, nervous system activity, and hormonal influences. Below is a peer-reviewed research article that provides…

CJ433 Probation and Parole

Description Unit 3 Assignment: History of Probation and Parole Write a 2- to 3-page descriptive essay paper, excluding title page and reference page, that summarizes the history of probation and parole programs in England and the United States. In your essay: Discuss the beginnings of probation and parole in England. Compare and contrast the development…

Cause of action

Description Herb was the licensor for Burger Barn restaurants in the western United States.Herb wrote the following letter to his old friend Gil who lived in New York City: “Dear Gil: I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been unemployed for the last few months. But I think I’m in a position to help you. If…

Unit 4 Assign P P and P

Description Change: Based on this week’s readings, you will identify the characteristics of populations. Using the Unit 4 Assignment Template, please respond to the following: Which population, if any, are you interested in working with? Why? Do you have any experiences with any of these populations in a professional setting? If yes, please explain. How…

Concepts in Psychology

Description I want to be a BCBA. Review your readings from this week, Concepts in Psychology and the Openstax index, that include the definitions of the concepts. Please respond to the following: What degree plan have you selected? Aba Psychology What made you choose this degree? Consider the various concepts from your reading and how…

CJ333 Family and Domestic Violence

Description This assignment assesses your understanding of the following Course Outcome: CJ333-6: Analyze the movements that brought victimization to the forefront of domestic violence issues Written Assignment: The Domestic Violence Movement Download the library article “How Feminist Theory Became (Criminal) Law: Tracing the Path to Mandatory Criminal Intervention in Domestic Violence Cases” as your initial…

CJ355 Homeland Security

Description Critical Infrastructure and Security In a 3–5 page paper: PART 1: Explain what is meant by the term “critical infrastructure.” Provide three examples of critical infrastructure that may be susceptible to a terror attack and what measures we can take to protect them. PART 2: In recent years, there have been a number of…