OU Gerontological Nursing and ANA Discussion

Description Overview Many in the nursing profession would argue that there is a significant shortage of gerontological nurses. This observation is startling considering the National Institute on Health reports a “gerontological explosion” of older adults in the United States and around the world. Gerontological nursing is an often-neglected area in basic nursing education. In this…

OU Responsibilities and Services Of FEMA Discussion

Question Description I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Explain the various responsibilities and services of FEMA when a disaster occurs in the United States. Do some research on past disasters, and describe how FEMA supported the community and disaster efforts. Address 2-3 of the…

OU Nursing Implication of Disaster Discussion

Question Description I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Watch this video and answer the following: What are some of the nursing implications of this disaster? What diseases do you need be concerned about and how would you protect yourself and others? Be specific. https://youtu.be/e7ho6z32yyo?si=IpJrdSgp0Um0ZHnP