NR 717 CU Preventing the Impact of Illness on Health Discussion Reply

Description reply to student: Hello, Secretary Denis Richard McDonough. I am Irene Robinson, the current emergency department nurse manager at Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center Philadelphia (CMC VAMC). We previously met this year on Saturday, May 27th, when you toured the emergency department. I am an Air Force veteran who has also…

NR 717 CCN Policy Analysis to Impact Population Health Discussion

Description Instructions Review the lesson and readings about Bardach’s eightfold steps to policy analysis, especially in the Chapter 4 Policy Analysis section of the Patton text. Then, select a healthcare policy that impacts, or has the potential to impact, the practice problem and population selected in previous weeks of this course. The following links will…

NR 717 CCN TROA Policy To Address Obesity Discussion

Description Reply to student  Critically appraise the healthcare policy using Bardach’s eightfold steps to policy analysis. The healthcare policy I will be critically appraising using Bardach’s eightfold steps is the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) of 2023. Define the problem. Obesity is a healthcare issue for all age groups (Gadde et al., 2018). Obesity…

NR 717 CCN Population Health Learnings Discussion

Description Reply to post with 3 references: Week eight reflection Week one was an enlightening week. My chosen population was Martin County, Kentucky. I had known there were health problems related to the shuttering of the coal mines in the community. Still, I was unaware of how drastically it had affected the residents, especially regarding…

NR 717 UP Nursing Policy Analysis to Impact Population Health Essay

Description Policy Analysis to Impact Population Health DISCUSSION PURPOSE The purpose of this discussion is to analyze a health policy related to the selected population and practice problem. This week, you discovered that the focus of healthcare policy has a growing emphasis on population health outcomes. As a DNP-prepared nurse, you must be able to…

NR 717 CCN African American Environmental Health Disparities Analysis

Description Purpose This assignment will allow for the exploration of a selected population health practice problem, encompassing social determinant risk factors, epidemiological factors, an evidence-based population health intervention, and relevant measurable goals and objectives. Instructions Use the population (at the local, regional, or national level) you have engaged throughout the course thus far and develop…

NR 717 CCN Advocacy Skills In Health Policy Discussion

Description Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to demonstrate advocacy skills in health policy related to the selected population and practice problem. This week, you discovered that the DNP-prepared nurse needs to develop an advocacy plan to impact healthcare policy with an emphasis on population health. In this discussion, you will create written testimony…

NR 717 CCN DNP Readiness Advocacy Policy Disparities Discussion

Description Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to reflect on your own readiness to practice as a DNP-prepared nurse and consider what you learned in this course and how this knowledge will impact your practice. Instructions Each week, you have been reminded that reflective inquiry allows for expansion of self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps,…