Data 1501:Variable feature creation

Description Variable Creation Assignment Instructions: The assignment deliverable is to submit your completed Excel Workbook with the Variable Feature Creation Analysis tasks completed as a SINGLE EXCEL FILE. Use the provided “Assignment Submission Form – Variable Feature Creation” document to organize your output and answers. Continue working on the same “Housing Market Dataset – Post…

Unit 4 describing art

Description Choose two works of art that represent a different degree of representation: idealization, naturalism, abstraction or non-representational/non-objective. Identify and include a photograph (a screenshot will do) of the work of art so that other students will know what you are writing about. You may choose these artworks from one of these pages: Your Definition…

configure server and scan report

Description configure You will need to reserve “All Labs” for your servers. (This is where you configure and harden your own servers.)For the same exact reservation time as your “All Labs” also choose “Vuln Assessment” option and make a reservation too.The “Vuln Assessment” option has a Kali server already installed and ready for use….

Goals – Current reality 2

Description 100 words or less for each goal) Recommendations using research to help schools reach the following goals: 1. Monitoring and evaluating the impact of professional learning on staff practices and increases in student learning occurs extensively. Evaluation results are used to identify and implement processes to extend student learning. .2. Classroom practices (e.g., considering…

Goals – Current Reality

Description 100 words or less for each goal) Recommendations using research to help schools reach the following goals: 1. Extensive resources (e.g., substitute teachers, materials, handouts, tools, stipends, facilitators, technology) and systems (e.g., conducive schedules, adequate collaborative time, model classrooms) are allocated to support and sustain effective professional learning. Opportunities to practice skills, receive follow-up,…

KSU Bivariate Exploratory Data Analysis Exercises

Description Instructions: The assignment deliverable is to submit your completed Excel Workbook with the Bivariate Exploratory Data Analysis tasks completed as a SINGLE EXCEL FILE. Continue working on the same “Housing Market Dataset” workbook from the “Univariate Exploratory Analysis” Lab and HW. We will continue to build on this workbook for all Lab, Homework, Midterm,…

KSU Univariate Exploratory Analysis Lab Report

Description Univariate Exploratory Analysis Lab and Homework Assignment Instructions: The assignment deliverable is to submit your completed Excel Workbook with the Univariate Exploratory Data Analysis tasks completed as a SINGLE EXCEL FILE. Continue working on the same “Housing Market Dataset” workbook from the “Data Diagnosis and Cleaning” Lab and HW. We will continue to build…