HSC528 health

Description Reflection Question: Based on all you have learned this term, if you had the opportunity to open a new healthcare organization in another country, where would you pick and why? What would the organization look like? Who would you want to serve? How would this organization be funded? Brainstorm ideas with your classmates. Application…

Proposal to board of trustees

Description A compelling evidence-based rationale for adding this service or programmatic enhancement to MHS. Use the information from your Module 3 literature search, as well as any additional information from the course materials or external credible sources, to support your rationale. A description of how the operating budget will be affected. A description of any…

HealthCare Finance Project- Part III- to the MHS Board of Trustees

Description In an Excel Spreadsheet: Submit a finalized copy of your capital budget that includes any changes I have recommended. Evaluation This assignment will be graded using the HSC528 Finance Project Part III Rubric Download HSC528 Finance Project Part III Rubric, located in the previous M7.5 assignment. It is also located on the Course Rubrics…