FIN 320 Project 3-2

Description Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Describe the purpose and function of financial management in an organization Scenario You’ve been an entry-level financial analyst for six months. Your supervisor plans to fill another entry-level financial analyst position on your team. Your supervisor has asked you to create…

SPT 333 3-2 Project

Description For this first milestone, due in Module Three, you will submit a 2- to 3-page paper analyzing the moral, ethical, or legal issue in sports you have chosen to examine for your final project, the personal action plan. This first milestone will help you assess your issue and analyze it from different perspectives. Thoroughly…

2-2 Fin 320

Description Overview This journal is the first in a series of connected assignments culminating with Project Two. In Project Two, you’ll analyze and evaluate a business’s financial health. You’ll also recommend financing options that improve the company’s financial health. Use the Project Two Business Options List to choose the business that you’ll examine in Project…

SPT Final project 1

Description Overview For aspiring sport management professionals, investigating an actual sport organization is a powerful learning opportunity. In this final project, you will choose a sport organization to discover how it operates and thrives in the real world. As you have learned in this course, running a successful sport business is a multifaceted endeavor, requiring…

7-2 Project

Description Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Recommend operations management methods and techniques to increase value for customers Evaluate how operations management generates value for an organization Explain local, national, and global sustainability in relation to functional areas of business Scenario You work as the chief supply-chain officer…

SPT Project 2

Description Overview Throughout this program, you will be encouraged to think critically about your own personal leadership style and identity as a sport management professional. In this course, you have examined several management models and theories. You have also discussed the strengths and weaknesses of leadership models and theories. In particular, you have considered the…

HU Starbucks and LOreal Sustainability Concerns Discussion

Description Although sustainable operations have many benefits for organizations, consumers, and society, they also come with many business risks. In this discussion, you will explore sustainability operations of major organizations to reflect on what they are doing well, the benefits their sustainable operations may bring, and the potential risks associated with their sustainable operations. In…