HGTC Ethnic Studies Diekema & Fosts Response to Critics Questions

Description Part of learning about argumentation involves learning how to respond to objections made against ones reasoning as well as learning how to evaluate author responses to objections. Author responses to objections should always be (1) relevant to the objection, (2) plausible, and (3) consistent with what the author claims/defends elsewhere. For an author’s response…

HGTC Ethnic Studies Immigration & International Obligations Questions

Description This week’s videos describe a few of ways that one might attempt to argue for the claims that, (a) US citizens are morally obligated to help another nation’s adults and/or children by allowing them entry into the US. (b) US citizens are not morally obligated to help another nation’s adults and/or children by allowing…

HGTC Evidence in The Reduction of Violent Crime Questions

Description 1) Search the internet, books, etc., for a passage, sound/video-bite, etc., that contains a moral/ethical argument. (2) Quote the passage, sound/video-bite in full.  For example, if you want to use an argument that appears within a lengthy youtube video, then you need only quote the part of the video containing the argument and include…

Horry-Georgetown Technical College Ethics Purchased the Car Discussion

Description RESPOND TO JUST STUDENT PARAGRAPGH  First of all i think this a really interesting topic, and has many many topics and conversation to be taken place. This is one of those topics where the public might be split 50/50. Getting into this topic when i first read it, and take into consideration the Trolley…

HGTC Complex Scenarios Involving Autonomous Vehicles Discussion

Question Description I’m working on a ethnic studies discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Now that we are familiar with consequentialism, its core moral/ethical imperative to “Always do the best for the most!”, its values/disvalues, etc., we can consider an interesting set of questions. 1) Should driverless cars be…

HGTC Liberty For Transgender Athletes In Competences Discussion

Description 1) The side of the transgender high school athletes debate that seems to have the maximal amount of “respect for persons” is the one that doesn’t allow transgenders on female teams. Just because it will show respect for more people will not make it the best choice, because transgenders are not only men to…

HGTC Marquis Analogy Killing vs Abortion Discussion

Description 1) I will discuss Marquis’ analogy and its associated reasoning. 2) The majority of abortions, according to Marquis, are unethical because killing is wrong rather than because fetuses are people. Marquis contends that murdering is immoral because it deprives the victim of all the worthwhile and consciously significant objectives, goals, ideas, ambitions, experiences, etc….

Horry-Georgetown Technical College Ethics Consequential System Discussion

Description ONLY RESPOND TO STUDENT PARAGRAPH  I agree that self-driving cars should have a consequential system designed to protect or cause the least amount of harm possible to humans. Having a machine correctly add these consequences up every time and getting the correct answer every time. Should make you feel comfortable that this system works…