Description See course outline four slides of content, the only words should be coming from you! format PowerPoint presentation Google slides is fine for a 2 minute video presentation saved as pptx files for upload to d2l please record your face in the pip window we have we thus far on the written word with…

HGTC Banning Harmful Material and People Discussion

Description As noted in Pornography, Harm, and Censorship (SE), censorship can be simply defined as an effort to suppress purportedly “harmful” expression. Some claim that censorship is morally justified due to the “harms” it stops/prevents. Others claim that censorship is not morally justified due to the “harms” it causes. We have encountered reasons for each…

HGTC Transgender Athletes Taking Part on Identified Teams Questions

Description Deontologists often claim that we have a moral duty to always respect persons. That is, in order to be moral, we are supposed to always act with the intention to respect people, regardless of whether we actually want to or not. We are supposed to always have “good intentions” when it comes to respecting…

HGTC Ethnic Studies Luxuries and Comparable Moral Worth Questions

Description In Famine, Affluence, and Morality, etc., Peter Singer presents versions of the following argument. 1. Suffering and death from a lack of food, (drinkable) water, shelter, and proper medical care –especially when the victims of such are children– is terrible. 2. If one is able to prevent terrible things (like those described in reason…

HGTC The Current After Abuse Happens Do Something Approach Questions

Description LaFollette is famous/infamous for the suggestion that parents should have to pass various tests, inspections, etc., before being granted a “license to parent”. At base, he is motivated by the desire to prevent child neglect and abuse. He considers the current after-abuse-happens-do-something approach to handling cases of child neglect and abuse to be extremely…

HGTC Ethnic Studies Diekema & Fosts Response to Critics Questions

Description Part of learning about argumentation involves learning how to respond to objections made against ones reasoning as well as learning how to evaluate author responses to objections. Author responses to objections should always be (1) relevant to the objection, (2) plausible, and (3) consistent with what the author claims/defends elsewhere. For an author’s response…

HGTC Lafollettes Perspective on Child Abuse Discussion Response

Description RESPOND TO STUDENT PARAGRAPH : I do agree with his concern about responding to abuse rather than preventing abuse. I do think that this current system is morally inadequate. Children cannot protect themselves from abuse or neglect, they are fully vulnerable. We should prevent abuse rather than wait for it to happen and deal…

HGTC Ethnic Studies Immigration & International Obligations Questions

Description This week’s videos describe a few of ways that one might attempt to argue for the claims that, (a) US citizens are morally obligated to help another nation’s adults and/or children by allowing them entry into the US. (b) US citizens are not morally obligated to help another nation’s adults and/or children by allowing…

HGTC Evidence in The Reduction of Violent Crime Questions

Description 1) Search the internet, books, etc., for a passage, sound/video-bite, etc., that contains a moral/ethical argument. (2) Quote the passage, sound/video-bite in full.  For example, if you want to use an argument that appears within a lengthy youtube video, then you need only quote the part of the video containing the argument and include…

Horry-Georgetown Technical College Ethics Purchased the Car Discussion

Description RESPOND TO JUST STUDENT PARAGRAPGH  First of all i think this a really interesting topic, and has many many topics and conversation to be taken place. This is one of those topics where the public might be split 50/50. Getting into this topic when i first read it, and take into consideration the Trolley…