Criminal Justice Question

Description Assignment Description For your second critical analysis, you will be answering a series of prompts and questions that will require you to synthesize important aspects of the West Memphis Three case with the information on our courts and corrections segment that pertains to juvenile justice and delinquency. To successfully answer the questions, you should…

Marketing Question

Description Watch any Shark Tank episode (the more recent, the better!). Shark Tank airs on ABC and is available on YouTube and in many other places such as Hulu, On Demand, etc. Prepare a written assignment (typed and double spaced) which addresses each of the following requirements. All written assignments should follow APA guidelines. Part…

presentation project

Description Directions: Create a 15-slide (minimum) research presentation. Please use at least 5 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles for this assignment. You may use additional non-peer reviewed work but remember to cite all sources in APA format! Your research topic should be specific to domestic violence. Be creative! Here are a few topics to inspire you if…

CCJ 4601 Discussion

Description There are a number of psychological instruments which are used to assess inmates in prison. Before you move on read the final project instructions this paper is one part of that process. Research a psychological test and describe the instrument, how that instrument is used in assessment, and determine if there are any biases…

FSSC Nursing A Reflection on Navids TED Talk Paper

Description All must view the TED talk video below and reflect on your thoughts related to the information learned from the video in the assignment. This assignment is a self-reflection. What are your thoughts on the processes Navid talked about? Discuss the nursing role in future technological advances. Additional Questions: What improvements do you see…

FSSC The Case of Miguel Chavarri on Cyber Stalking Paper

Description Prompt: There have been cases where stalking was not considered as serious because it did not involve physical assault and hearsay is common. Directions: Locate a current event that discusses stalking. In your own words, describe the case in-depth (40 pts) and cite the relevant state’s statutes regarding stalking (20 pts). Describe the resolution…

FSSC Causes Disease Risks Treatments & Dietary Recommendations Report

Description Research and write a report on one of the following topics related to either carbohydrate consumption/metabolism or fat consumption/metabolism. The body of your paper should contain: A thorough description and background of the topic – causes, disease risks, treatments, etc. A detailed explanation of nutrition and dietary recommendations for individuals concerned about the topic….

FSSC Nursing A Reflection on Navids TED Talk Paper

Description All must view the TED talk video below and reflect on your thoughts related to the information learned from the video in the assignment. This assignment is a self-reflection. What are your thoughts on the processes Navid talked about? Discuss the nursing role in future technological advances. Additional Questions: What improvements do you see…