HEENT Reflection on Critical Patient (Subarachnoid hemorrhage)

Description Students will provide a PowerPoint presentation (with speaker notes )of an acute care patient case. Students should choose a patient with a HEENT related to the weekly topics covered in Week 3 (Subarachnoid hemorrhage). Students in a concurrent clinical course with a clinical site will present a patient case seen in the clinical setting….

Microbiology arrative

Description Pick a long-form narrative (recorded talk, interview, written narrative) that offers a global perspective from a professional working in infectious disease prevention/intervention. (Multiple options are below, but if you find a different narrative you would like to summarize, you can message Dr. Lainoff to request to use it) 2. Write a double-spaced 2 page…

Reflection on Rheumatoid Arthritis & Septic Arthritis

Description Select one or more of the articles that you are asked to review during week one or week two: Please compose a 300-word reflection on the main points. In your reflection, please address the pathophysiology of the condition, signs and symptoms, and management strategies discussed. You are also to include one scholarly evidence-based reference…

Controversial Treatments

Description Numerous controversial treatments are promoted for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Almost all behavior analysts agree that these treatments lack sufficient empirical support. These treatments include facilitated communication, sensory integration, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, elimination diets, chelation therapy, floortime, and more. Conduct an Internet search for information on one of the topics mentioned above….

PICOT questions

Description Draft 3 PICOT questions for clinical issues of your interest. Also download the attached PICOT template, fill it out and submit it with your paper. The PICOT Question This assignment should be no more than 3-4 pages (not including the title or references pages) and shall include the following components: Title Page Introduction: include…

Article summary #9

Description This week we’ll be reading this article by Lucassen et al. 2010 Please read the article closely, answer the following questions: Provide the full reference to this article using this format: Author 1 Last Name, First name initials; Author 2 Last Name, First name initials, (Year of publication). Article title. Journal name in italics…

write a discussion

Description Please complete part one first and i will send you what you need for the second part This discussion assignment is related to your Chapter 11 (Salkind) material. I. Post the following: Give an example of a study for which the independent sample t-test would be appropriate. Was your decision to reject the null…